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2006 Hidden Valley Closed Golf Classic Teams

(To identify the player place the cursor on the player's face)

To view photographs of the Party at the Flat Brook Tap House click HERE.


Chris Heidebrecht Patty Backman Schone Malliet Rick Hyer

2006 Champions - Team Backman

Bud Karsten Brenda Agamie George Aspinall John Parak

Team Bud - Defending 2005 & 2004 Champions

John Whiting Buffy Whiting Fran Gunn Patrick Jones

Team Whiting - Jones - Gunn

Jack Powers Amy Sabo Gerard 'Super G' Hawkins Tom VanHerwarde

Team Powers - Hawkins

Chris Westerfelt JoAnn Capelli Mandy Sommers John Shema

Team Shema

Jimbo Paulovich Tammy Case John Paulovich Jon Paulovich

Team Paulovich

John Resch Angie Resch Volkmar Bernhart Nancy Howes Richie Howes

Team Howes

Roy Scovill Volkmar Bernhart Nancy Chamberlain Tom Sonntag

Team Chamberlain

Jane Brown Bill Brown Debbie JC

Team Brown

Chris Werlick Maureen Pezzotta 'Best Dressed Golfer' John Mancini

Team Werlick


Go to Photos of the Party at the Flat Brook Tap House

Go to 2006 Team Standings

Go to 2006 Photos on the Golf Course

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