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WELCOME to THE Sub-Zero Super Segarules Network World!!
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Site is owned by
ZuBZ3R0 (Dave)
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IRCopSubmit your SegaRules & Freedomchat IRCop applicationHERE.Submit your SegaRules & Freedomchat IRCop applicationHERE.APPLICATION

Free Java chat at SegaRules & Freedomchat for PCs! Click the servername! Internet Explorer and NetScape Navigator compatible! /server irc.freedomchat.net

/server irc.freedomchat.net /server chat.freedomchat.net /server TheMatrix.Freedomchat.net
NetLinkers & Dreamcast users click here to chat on SegaRules! NetLinkers & Dreamcast users click here to chat on SegaRules!
Sub-Zero @ /server chat.freedomchat.net port #6667

Maximized for Sega Saturn NetLink, Dreamcast ,Internet Explorer 4.0 ++ & NetScape Navigator......Maximized for Sega Saturn NetLink, Dreamcast ,Internet Explorer 4.0 ++ & NetScape Navigator......
PC users may enter HERE!

Sega Saturn NetLinkers & Dreamcasters may enter HERE! Sega Saturn NetLinkers & Dreamcasters may enter HERE!
Click to the right for Sega Netlink.For both PC users AND Sega Saturn Netlinkers!For both PC users AND Sega Saturn Netlinkers!Hail to the King baby! Dreamcast links
I would like to welcome you to one of the best Sega related websites currently still under management! There is a multitude of sites, sounds, and wonderful things to download here at the S.S.S.N.W. Please email me using the e-mail link on this page if you are interested in having your website banner posted on this Website! My Interent nickname is Sub-Zero or ZuBZ3R0. That's my gaming nickname too! From X-band, to Netlink, and on to Dreamcast, now I'm heavily into personal computer games, because I use a Gateway Essential mid-tower computer: Intel PentiumIII processor,50 Gigabytes of Hard drive space, 650 mhz, 192 MB sd-ram, I-Omega zip drive, DVD CD-ROM, CD-RW drive, flatbed scanner, digital PC camera, HP inkjet color printer,SoundBlaster sound system and more software and games than you could fit into your brain >B)My record video game count stands at 450+++ video games, Think that's enough? Enjoy browsing this Web-World!! Enjoy browsing, and have fun!This page is full of links& clicks!
In order to use specialized mIRC programs called "scripts",and other compressed files compressed with WINZIP® , you require the WINZIP® program to decompress these files into a folder on your hard drive. Click EXTRACT with WINZIP® , and just type in a folder name of your choice in WINZIP® after the drive letter C:\ IE: C:\script1 If WINZIP® does not automaticly open the downloaded file, you may have to open WINZIP® with it's desktop program icon, and choose OPEN, and then select the zip file you downloaded, I strongly recommend that you create a new folder with Windows explorer named "downloads" for all of your Internet Explorer and Netscape Communicator downloads to be placed in, that way your download will be easy for you to find all the time. *Good Luck!*

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The S.S.S.N.W. Directory
*§µßZɮع§ \/\/@® @®©HIVë
*Subby's slideshow (Requires RealplayerG2)
*IRC friends Oasis
*Game Help
*Dreamcast and PC info Center
*FreeWare/ShareWare & mIRC Downloads
*mIRC Homesite
*Website service
*New Jersey IRC
*Sega Saturn NetLink-Upgrade
*Segarules site #1
*Segarules site #2
*Freedomchat site#1
*The Empire State Club
*Jedi Mind Tricks v2K

Sega Saturn Netlink and Sega Dreamcast users click on one of the SEGA banners BELOW to Chat on IRC !!

The all new I-Omega Zip Drive for Sega Dreamcast is coming!!

The Ice-Man himself.
"Imagination is the eye of the soul."


You are using Netscape. Wednesday, March 26, 2025

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