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Thank you for visiting www.freenetgoodies.com ! Please Sign The guestbook here and be sure to visit Freedomchat @ http://www.freedomchat.net today for kOoL chat with kOoL katz n' kittens !

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Final Countdown
Heavy Metal
Mortal Kombat
Real McCoy
Sega Sonic
X-Men theme
Aqua oNe
Aqua TWo

Free mIRC Script Links. Scroll down for more Free Services !
Alive 1.01
Aukio IRC
SuperDumb mIRC
Baby Spice Script (SPiCe GiRLS)
Biznitch Script -=SeXy=- (FoR MaTuRe WoMeN oNLy)
Sega IRCnet Downloads
|| D a r k S t y l e P r o 2 ||
Dark Funeral Script
EvilEyes Script
Nitro Script
FINAL BETA of PnP 4.00 (Mis Pai's Peace & Protection)
"Custom mIRC Script"
CyberVirtual's mIRC Scripts
DelphiWorld Downloads
eXtreme v8SE
FigZ ScripT
IRcap 6.0 ! power for mIRC
««FuNsTeR sCrIpT»»
Home of Ultima IRC
j0kEr v2.0
WangScript v4.5 Pro
K9 for mIRC
LookSharp 3.0
Lords of KaoS
..introducing LLMirc Pro v3.5A
Mirage 5.5
mIRC Files
mIRC Irc client, Help, Tricks and Tips
IRC security
GS IRC links - Hundreds of links about IRC
mIRC Popups & Script Help
Miscellanious scripts
Scripting help
»PCHacking Script v5.22«
More various Scripts
BlackKnight's mIRC Script Popups and Remotes mIRC Writer
Panzer FileServer
Polaris IRC created by Conglomo
Project X Scripts
RC Forge mIRC Script
ShoWDowN Pro
SpR JukeBox v8.5-unofficial by SpinoC
.:[ §iLiÇöñ î®Ç ]:. FiLE SerVer
sparkee's ani-mIRC: The Animated, Speaking mIRC Supplementary Package
Tracer Script v1.22

-=[×vï§ïðñ×]=- by Kayos^
X18 (VintagE)
:::ZeNeTh FileServer Explorer::: - Addon :: //Ver 5.02// :: by Fant0m :: -(http://come.to/mercuryscripts)-
ZooL mIRC.. by ZOOL
SpeedRacer Addon
|><-¯I¯ReM¯ FuRy 6| File Server Script
Special Friends mIRC Scripts
Grimaze-Scriptz- by Estranged

KRaCKeN SCRiPT - Kraken by anchovy!
MoNeY ScRiPt
Dan's mIRC Website

K-mIRC (zip file direct download)

Brutal iCeST0RM v-4.1 beta 12

Jedi Mind Tricks

Free personal Computer programs! Scroll down for more Free Services ! Firewalls
HEre is a neat little firewall link collection, which should suit any user who is seeking internet protection. This site also includes links to virus scanners, internet connection speed tests, reference directories, and Cool Tools !
Fosi wares offers an average user Full retail programs, whi cost anywhere from $50 and up, to you for absolutely FREE. They'r egracious enough to provide you with serial numbers, or registration info for the product free of charge!
ZD-NET, as you may have head or seen on cable television, is one of, if not the best PC software and hardware reviewers, check out ZD-NET and see if they have the review, and download for the software YOUYR PC needs!!
Download.com , affiliated with Cnet, offers you a multitude of shareware and freeware, just search for what you want here! and use The SSSNW Cross Search for astalavista @ http://www.sssnw.com to find yourself the registration key or serial number to get most software registered !
TUCOWS offers the same as download.com and MORE! a great search engine, and a multitude of software, shareware, and freeware ! Once again! Try getting you downloaded evaluation software REGISTERED by using the SSSNW Cross Search !
Happy Hippo
Happy Hippo is a great place to find games and software titles you seek. Check it out!
Free Internet providers First off, I want to inform you that I'm no 56 kilobyte analog modem user anymore, I figured that it was high time I stopped having connectivity issues, and problemtaic internet related experiences, now, I've got DSL, and I'm even happier thanks to a certain website that totally taught me how to beef up my operating system to improve my line speed and PC system performance. Try out DSL (Dedicated Service Line), it definetly beats isdn, and is comparable to cable !
A friend of mine, and fellow computer user, and builder, told me about this great website, you should check it out, and learn all about DSL!
DSL reports is one, if not the greatest place to find out anything and everything about Cable and DSL high speed internet connection accounts, tools, tests, information, and tutorials!
Also, I would like you to try out SpeedGuide.Net Pure PC Performance " Some of the best Broadband tweaks and Speed patches on the Net "

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The FreeZone
Links to free stuff.
Free Email & homepages
CrossWinds Free Unlimited space webhosting and email.
50Megs offers 50MB of disk space, which goes far beyond any other free home page provider. In addition to this there is a large section of webmaster tools and tutorials to get your homepage up and running.

00server offers 20MB of web space for 0 setup fee and 0 monthly fee. You also get your own domain name like www.yourname.00server.com, unlimited e-mail addresses at your domain that you can give to friends and family, visitor counters, guestbook, site statistics and more.

Acme City
Warner Bros. “AcmeCity” site offers you free space for your homepage and access to the Warner Brothers vaults for photos to make your site.  There is a choice of using our own Homebuilder or uploading your own files and graphics using the File Manager or FTP service. Subdirectory support is also available making it really easy to manage files.

Europe@home provides 2mb of space (max. of 500 hits daily) for your homepage provided you live in Europe. Users can create their page using the online construction kit or create pages using their own software and upload them via ftp.


Your Family's Meeting Place in Cyberspace Great free services that the whole family can use. Worldwide! Set up your own space on Family Point and share photos easily, keep everyone up to date with the Calendar, never lose an address again - keep them all in the master address book. Plus Chat, e-mail and more and it's all FREE, Easy and waiting for you at Family Point

FCI (Freedomstarr Communications Inc.)
FCI gives you a free, ready made web page which you then submit to search engines, tell your friends about, and get people to visit in other ways to promote great rates on long distance (9.9 cents a min), Unlimited Internet Access, Nationwide ($15 a month), plus many other great deals. You then make commissions on what the people your signed up spend on the various offers. A great program with a promising future!

VidaVision.com Hosting : Guestbook, Message board & 50 MB
HomeStead.com FREE Websites
Maui Mail and free homepages
Free Webpages and E-Mail Directory
HoTBoT Free HoMePaGeS and E-MaiL
Geocities Free Web Pages and Free Email
Geocities offers free web hosting and free email accounts. At present, Geocities offers 15 mb of disk space for your free web pages, but you can get more for a fee. Geocities is one of the busiest servers on the Internet, and over the years, it has become very reliable. You must put the Geoguide - which includes a banner ad - at the top of each page or a pop-up ad will appear as each page is viewed.
Virtual Avenue
This free web hosting service is one of the few designed for the business community . They give you 20 mb of disk space and even allow cgi scripts and SSI. They also offer domain name hosting free of charge, as well as free sub-domains. They also support Front Page. The problem with Virtual Avenue are the annoying pop-up ads. But that's why it's free.
Angelfire Free Web Pages
Angelfire offers 30mb of disk space for your free web pages. They also offer free email accounts. There is an easy to use web page editor, or you can write HTML code and upload it. This is perhaps the most straightforward and easy to use file manager.

Go Network Free Web Pages
I liked this virtual community and found it very easy to register and set up a home page. You'll also get a free email account. They offer "unlimited homepages," which I take to mean there is no limit on disk space.
Xoom.com offers unlimited free web space for hosting your personal web pages. They make it easy to create pages even if you do not know html. They also offer free email accounts.
Fortune City offers 100 mb of disk space for your free web pages and they now offer free email along with the free web hosting.
Talk City
Talk City offers 3mb of free disk space to setup your homepages. Talk City is known for it's chat rooms so the atmosphere here is very social. Homepage creation is more limited here than at some of the other free homepage communities.
This service offers a very easy to use free web page generator, though it's also very limited. There doesn't appear to be a limit on the web space used.
WEB4Free Free Web Hosting
WEB4Free offers 10mb of disk space. There are 15 themed communities to choose from. The price for free web pages with WEB4Free is the placement of banners by WEB4Free at the top and bottom of your pages and also the surrender of your constitutional rights.." Additionally, we reserve the right to alter the presentation of your pages and data, and alter the context in which they are displayed. Including, but not limited to, the display of advertisements". . Please don't support these people.
NetCitizen free web hosting and email
Free web hosting is offered for personal use up to 20mb. They also offer free email. Note that upon registering with NetCitizen you give them the right to disclose to third parties certain information about you. They offer ftp uploading and an online HTML editor.
This is more of a free business listing, but it is free and is available for all businesses.
Tripod recently informed me that they will require that all homepages be updated at least once a month or your account will be canceled! I can no longer recommend Tripod to anyone, and I suggest you move if you already have pages here.
Bran Promotions' Free Web Pages
100k of free web hosting is offered for personal use only. Their banners will appear on your page and you must create the pages, then submit them via email and wait for them to be setup.
This is more like a yellow pages listing than a web page...you cannot even include links to other web pages. There is a step-by-step sign-up and a 10 step process for page creation! If you wear a suit and want to put up a free page for your business, this site's for you.

Fee internet access in 2800 cities across the U.S. and Canada + 12mb of webspace, free newsgroup access and free e-mail.
(Available to U.S. and Canadian residents only)

Moonfruit's free service easily lets you build your own interactive web site, create an on-line community, discuss, debate and organise group events

Homepages for the Homepageless. At last check, currently not providing pages until completion of hardware upgrades.

Provides 50 MBs worth of space and many features including the following: personal guest book, personal message board, counter, form mail, free online support forum, and EZ-Upload utility