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Evil is among us......
In the city of god there will be a great thunder , two big brothers torn apart by chaos , while the fortess endures , the great leader will succumb. The third big war will begin when the city is burning.
Thursday, September 12
Volunteers & Donations wanted !

In Jersey City, NJ. a Crisis center has been setup on 70 Hudson street, to help supply provisions to people, firefighters, laborers and all people from NY needing assistance,
Goods will be shipped to NY from the NJ piers via boats.
Please call WKTU at (201)-420-3700 or visit MAPQUEST.COM if you're not familiar with the Jersey City area, and need assistance in finding directions.
You may reach the volunteers' point coordinator at 1-866-444-6898. Ask for Arnold.
For further relief and aid information, I urge you to visit LIberty-UNITES

I urge you, if you are form our local area, BE THERE to assist your fellow Americans!
Tuesday, September 11, 2001 ( 9/11/01 = 911 Emergency? )
Hiya free people, here's the latest scoop on FREEDOM IRC.

While we were all sleeping, or beginning our day of work on 9/11, a certain international terrorist group was planning the deaths of MILLIONS of people in America. Eight planes were hijacked from major airports across the United States today, and armed with bombs, then pointed toward major U.S. landmarks, such as financial superpowers and legislative branches of our government.

Hundreds of people working at the New York World Trade Center , threw themselves out of the twin towers today, just so they could hope that their bodies would be identified so their families would know they died, the Twin towers burnt and crumbled to the ground, as millions of New Yorkers, and tourists died today during a terrorist attack on the World Trade Center due to two hijacked airliners, hijacked from Newark international airport, in New Jersey. The search for survivors continues.

The United States was ordered on Code Red National emergency. ( Defcon 1) And each border, between each city, town and village in the United states, in each of all 50 states, is being spot and road checked for driver's licenses AND social security.

Your local authorities HIGHLY recommend, they you STAY indoors WITH your family, and local ALL entrances and exits to your home. and STAY within your town to retrieve groceries and sundries.

The Tri-State area on NY, NJ and CT are without their radio stations and television stations which were once broadcast from atop the World Trade Center in New York
:links for more information
interesting reading about war-science and superpowers
@ http://www.fas.org/
& http://www.cdi.org/issues/nukef&f/database/nukestab.html

The USA was attacked this morning, by a faceless coward.
Our Freedom will be defended.
This is the biggest attack on the United States of America, since 1805, When the British invaded The United States White House.

Our military at home and around the world is on high-alert status and we have taken the necessary security precautions to continue the functions of your government,'' Bush said, his back to a pair of American flags and the portraits of Air Force leaders.

In Moscow, President Vladimir Putin sent a telegram to U.S. President George W. Bush. "Dear George," he wrote, "such an inhuman act must not go unpunished."

Chinese President Jiang Zemin also sent a message to Bush expressing sympathy over the deadly attacks, Xinhua news agency was reported by Reuters as saying.

In Islamabad, Pakistan, Mullah Abdul Salam Zaeef, the Taliban ambassador to Pakistan, said: "We want to tell the American children that Afghanistan feels your pain and we hope that the courts find justice."

Sheikh Yassin, leader of the Islamic militant group Hamas, said "no doubt this is a result of injustice the U.S practices against the weak in the world."

From Gaza, Islamic Jihad official Nafez Azzam said "what happened in the United States today is a consequence of American policies in this region."

Out of eight commercial airliners hijacked, there are still two or more hijacked airliners with American passengers still yet unaccounted for.

Osama Bin Laden is under suspicion of these attacks on the U.S. government and states.
Wednesday, September 12, 2001

I stood outside on my hill, looking across the expanse of the New Jersey Meadows, no longer seeing the two tallest buildings in the world, standing proudly in the heart of New York City. Instead, a great mass of smoke streaming southward from what once used to be The World Trade center.
As I hear on the radio, Britain is ready to aid the U.S.A. until the evil is exterminated.
Earlier this morning, yet another attempt on New York was intercepted by State and local Police, as a truck driven by arabs attempted to penetrate the blockade, where police had setup identification checks in the New Jersey to New York George Washington Bridge tunnel.

The drivers attempted to flee the barricade, and break through, luckily, they were stopped and apprehended.

Numerous New York police officers, fire fighters, and Emergency Rescue Teams, were decimated by the force of the burning and collapsing Twin towers. the body count is unbearable to even think of.

My heart bleeds for these people's families today, and I will go on doing my duty for god and country as best as I can.
More bomb threats on the Empire state building are imminent, and being carried on.

Germany, France, Russia, Albania, Canada, Australia and the rest are together, the NATO treaty is in effect, all aliances with the US Federal Government will be honored !
Written and coordinated by David M. Korol, Kearny, NJ

Credits: friends of FREEDOMCHAT

**Brutal NEWS** There's a new Brutal iCeSTORM build available! Get right on it!

mIRC Script NEWS
ALL NEW Script for mirc 5.8 by ZuBZ3R0, released September 24, 2000. Also available @ chat.freedomchat.net channel #Warez and at the FREEDOMCHAT ,
on the IRC page Fileserver bot. Type !help to access the DCC chat with the fileserver, then !drive for multidrive access.

On a personal note, I'm proud to be on the Sega IRC team, as well as working on one of the better networks , for Freedomchat Enterprises !

On a personal editor's note, I have personally always been an adament fan of fantasy art, and have molded my own personal techniques after such famous fantasy artists as Boris Vallejo, and Tolkien artists such as B. Hildebrant, and some others.....
I've found the pinnacle of their works on the internet, and I would like to share it with my website readers...
I hope you truly enjoy these works as much as I did when I bought these artists' books of art when I was just a lad in junior highschool..

As you may well know, LeoRuLes has once again done it, by creating commercial websites for famous people, such as David Allan Coe. Here's a sample of Leo's astonishing talents with web design.

Well, in the opinion of this editor, I think that Leo has outdone himself, by securing yet another account for a famous person, Kid Rock.
Hopefully, Freedomchat users will soon be meeting Kid Rock fans from all over America, if not from all over the world.

Visit these sites for a REAL good laugh!.

some really funny websites to visit!
don't do this!
Kill Ossama Bin Laden!
a kOoL link
Sheer beauty
Dalnet Exploits site!
Shake it baby!
Internet tricks
turd pile dot com?
what's Ossama doin to Bush?
Twisted humor
Bin Laden again ?
Cool mirc script
stile project
Banged up!
Nostradamus Quatrains..
Free shells!
wo0t! iSo'S!!
Rodi Script
mIRC stats!
intel script
IRCop commands!
Raptor IRCD
Penny Arcade!
Buzzie's images
kOoL IRC related site
a Really funny site! gtg there! Tales for the L33T.
Access IRC script site
Tinky's site!
Some random stupid site I picked
new mirc script mega site!
astalavista baby!
a really kOoL online toosl site

Shockwave fun

Click here to access the full advantage of FREEDOM IRC news.