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Slayer Lingo

You need to know the lingo of the show to understand it...Most of it is obvious...but just so you know what the slayer and the slayerettes are talking about.

Poof- when a vampire is slayed, it wil turn into dust. In other words "Buffy poofed the vampire."

Inching- When someone is moving back and forth or slowly accross the room. "Why are you inching, stop it!"

Morbid much- loads of disguest. "Were there any marks on the neck?" "Ew, Morbid Much"

Bigot- to be a bigot is being raciest. "Man, you're such a bigot"

There is more to come i guarentee it. If you know anything Buffy or the slayerettes say, and you dont understand it, e-mail me