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All About Me

Name: Leah
Age: 18
Height: 5'4
Nicknames: Sandi, dige, witch, psycho, lee
Hobbies: reading, writing, drawing, hangingout, shoping, PS2
Fav bands: BSB, Creed, Limp Bizkit, Eminem, Sum 41
Fav ice cream: chocolate mint chip (yummy!best with peanut butter sauce!!)
Fav songs: Click Click Boom, Let me Blow Ya Mind , Fat Lip,

Hi! So wow you want to know about me? Cool!You see I am very quiet and most people could easily forget that I am there as I have seen it happen to others and myself.

Well here you go the basics are above and here is some more details. I am a frosh in college. I am from NJ born and raised. I never new my mother so if you read my BSB story One Summer ... that is what inspired me.

I have a dog named Corky. There is a silly story to go with that name. I was in 3rd grade and had my first major crush sitting a table away and one of his friends was at my table. I heard him yell something that sounded like Corky and liked it. Ok so that wasn't funny but pathetic huh? Well I thought it was cute.

I am into wicca and tarot cards and anything like that. My parents seem ok with it at least they haven't complained since I first got into it when my mom said if she caught me doing a spell it was straight back to church but she never said anything since then thank the goddess.

I am very sensitive. I love meeting people even if I am quiet. I love movies, tv and books. My fav movie is The Princess Bride. TV: Boston Public, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Mystrerious Play, Passions, General Hospital. Favourite book is Jane Eyre which I read a few years ago. My fav comics are anything X-men, and the young justice league.

Thanx for being inerested in me!! Peace & Love!