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NadieComoMarc ~ If You Go

  • 3)si te vas

    English Translation
    si es verdad que quieres
    tu dejarme ya, pues vete
    ya conozco yo de sobra tu razón
    no expliques
    con el tiempo verás
    que este amor que te daba
    es más puro que nada
    ya te arrepentirás.

    ya no intentes explicar
    tu decisión, ya vete
    te burlaste de mi pobre corazón
    que mala suerte
    con el tiempo sabrás
    que jamás te mentí
    que todo lo que dí
    fue sólo por amor.

    si te vas, si te vas dondequiera que estés
    mi canto escucharás
    y me extrañarás
    si te vas, si te vas sin amor vivirás
    pues es no es fácil encontrar
    quien ocupe mi lugar.

    ya no intentes explicar
    tu decisión, ya vete
    te burlaste de mi pobre corazón
    que mala suerte
    con el tiempo sabrás
    que jamás te mentí
    que todo lo que dí
    fue sólo por amor.

    si te vas
    english tranlation

    REMEMBER: This translation is my personal work. It is most of the times very difficult to translate word for word from Spanish to English, so it may sound weird in one languange when it is perfectly natural in the other. As long as you keep this in mind, you'll get the general idea!

    if you go

    if it is truth that you want to leave me
    already, then go
    I already know very well your reason
    do not explain
    with time you will see that what this love gave you
    is purer than nothing
    already you will regret.

    no longer try to explain your decision, just go
    you made fun of of my poor heart, what bad luck
    with time you will realize
    that i never lied to you
    and everything I did
    was done by love

    if you go away, if you go away wherever you are
    my song you will listen to
    and to me you'll be strange
    if you go away, if you go away without love you will live
    because it won't be easy to find who occupies my place.

    you made fun of of my poor heart, what bad luck
    with time you will realize
    that i never lied to you
    and everything I did
    was done by love

    if you go away, if you go away wherever you are
    my song you will listen to
    and to me you'll be strange
    if you go away, if you go away without love you will live
    because it won't be easy to find who occupies my place.

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