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nadie como el~ you do not know me

  • 5)no me conoces

    English Translations
    no me conoces
    y hace tres noches que dormiste
    entre mis brazos
    ya no recuerdas las tantas cosas
    que conmigo hiciste tu
    como creerte si te morías cada
    vez que te besaba
    y hasta decías haber anhelado siempre
    un hombre como yo.

    en ocasiones tapé tu boca
    para que no se escucharan
    los fuertes gritos enloquecidos
    que brotaban de tu ser.

    ahora te empeñas
    en ignorarme cuando te miro a los ojos
    pones la cara como sintiendo enojos
    como si yo fuera un extraño en tu vida.

    si esta es tu forma
    lamento mucho haber estado contigo
    aunque confieso y pongo a Dios como testigo
    que estoy muriendo, por tenerte
    una vez más.

    no me conoces y hasta una foto me pediste
    aquella noche
    para guardarla
    y acariciarla cuando te acuerdes de mi.

    no me conoces
    english tranlation

    REMEMBER: This translation is my personal work. It is most of the times very difficult to translate word for word from Spanish to English, so it may sound weird in one languange when it is perfectly natural in the other. As long as you keep this in mind, you'll get the general idea!

    you do not know me

    you do not know me
    and three nights ago you splet between my arms
    You don't remember
    all of the things you did with me
    like you thought you died whenever I kissed you
    and you even said that you've always yearned for a man like I.

    sometimes I covered your mouth
    so that the strong passion driven screams
    that were coming from you
    couldn't be heard

    now you insist
    on ignoring me when I look into your eyes
    and you put on a facial expression as though you were angry
    as if I was a stranger in your life.

    if this is the way you are
    I am so sorry for having ever been with you
    although I confess and I put once again God as a witness
    that I am dying inside and I don't want to deal with it anymore.

    you do not know me

    and you even requested a photo of me from that night
    to keep it and caress it for when you remember me.
    chorus again
    You don't know me my love
    No one knows about us
    The other night feeling the trembles of your body
    and the heat of your kisses
    No, you don't know me
    But you and I know,
    yes you and I know that you were the wood and I was the fire
    And now it seems that I just wasn't enough for you
    But you and I know it
    but you and I know it
    that you were the wood and I was the fire
    But you and I know it.....

    **This song paticularly is very hard to get across. In Spanish it makes perfect chance, but trying to put it into English is a whole nother story. if you can do it better and feel I should change any parts, please email me! :) Thanks! And hey, I tried! :)
