Whussup Dates~Nadie Como Marc
Updated Got Marc? section. Marc will be doing a Q&A interview at the Latin Billboard Conference. More details in the Got Marc? section.
Added a few new pics, also added an interview I did with Jennifer .
Vote for Marc's HBO special at Tv Guide. Marc is nominated for 3 American Music Awards to be aired January 8th. Also, Congratulations to Marc on yet another Grammy nomination for Best Male Vocal, You Sang to Me.
I have been extremely busy with helping out on another new Marc Anthony site called.. Marc Anthony Fans. This is an awesome site with games and pics, and it's made by a bunch of fans!! Sheck it out baby!! I updated tons of little things today on this site.. along with the Appearences section.
Yes, I know, it's been a long time! I'm sorry! Unless you've been living under a rock, you know that the first annual Latin Grammy's are being held today in Los Angeles. Marc is nominated for many grammys, but unfortunatly he won't be able to attend the awards. Dayanara seems to be having complications with her pregnancy. Marc would like everyone to please include him and his family in their prayers during this time.
A menos que usted haya estado viviendo bajo una roca, usted sabe que los primeros Latin Grammy's se están sosteniendo hoy en Los Ángeles. Marc se nomina para muchos grammys, pero unfortunatly él no podrá atender a las concesiones. Dayanara se parece tener complicaciones con su embarazo. Marc quisiera que cada uno satisficiera incluye a lo y a su familia en sus rezos durante este tiempo.
Added a link for you to purchase the 2001 Marc Anthony calander. Go to the LINKS section for that!!
I finally fixed the lyrics for "Don't Let Me Leave" and "Como Ella Me Quiere a Mi" from the Marc Anthony album. This site is also celebrating it's one year anniversary!! WoooHooo!! Be on the lookout for more pictures and stories coming from various concerts.
Finalmente fijé las líricas para "Don't Let Me Leave" y "Como Ella Me Quiere A Mi" del Marc Anthony. Este sitio también lo está celebrando es un aniversario del año!! WoooHooo!! Esté en el puesto de observación para más cuadros e historias que vienen de varios conciertos.
The Appearences section has been updated. There is also a great photo gallery of Saturday's concert in NJ at Asbury Park Press Online.
Se ha puesto al día la sección de Appearences. Hay también una gran galería de la foto del concierto de sábado en NJ en Asbury Park Press Online.
I've been making little updates here and there over the past week. I've added some new pictures under a new folder titled, NEW PIX. I purchased these pictures online (very exspensive by the way!) so please don't copy them. His concert at Radio City Music Hall on June 27, 2000 was great! Please, don't forget to send in your stories about your concert experiences!!
He estado haciendo pequeñas actualizaciones aquí y allí concluído la última semana. He agregado algunos nuevos cuadros bajo una carpeta nueva titulada, NEW PIX. Compré estos cuadros en línea (muy exspensive a propósito!) satisfaga tan no los copian. Su concierto en Radio City Music Hall de Junio 27, 2000 era grande! Por favor, no se olvide de enviar en sus historias sobre sus experiencias del concierto!!
I've decided to go back to this rather than the old "what's news".. It just kept fuggin' up over there for some reason.. so this is more relaxed and easier to read. If you'd still like to see old news than please click here. Maybe you noticed that there is a girl icon on each page, asking you to talk to her if you have questions. Well, that would be me! You don't have to download ANYTHING at all. Just press her and BOOM I'll get paged and be able to answer any and all of your questions in real time. That's all for today!
He decidido ir de nuevo a esto más bien que al viejo " cuál es noticias ". Acaba de guardar el ensuciar para arriba allá por una cierta razón, así que esto es relajado y más fácil de leer. Si usted inmóvil como vería viejas noticias que por favor presionar aquí. Usted notó quizá que hay un icono de la muchacha en cada paginación, pidiendo que usted hable con ella si usted tiene preguntas. Bien, ése sería yo! Usted no tiene que descargar CUALQUIER COSA en todos. Justo presione su y el AUGE que conseguiré paginado y que podré contestar a cualesquiera y a todas sus preguntas en tiempo real. Ése es todo para hoy!
The lyrics and translations are jus' about all done, I jus' have to post em. Special thanks to all that helped me out. :o) I am makin' them more printer friendly so be patient! :)
The poll about the duets is now over so if you vote, it won't be credited. If you have any ideas for a new poll, please feel free to email us. The results are in for the duets tho, and it looks like Gloria won, but Selena is right on her tail. I personally prefer Selena, Marc should re-record Alvaro Torres' part in Buenos Amigos or, ah, I got it, Emilio's part in 'Tu Robaste Mi Corazon'. :-) HINT HINT!!!! Little bitty updates were made to the first page. Pika... ;o) I added a mailing list for me to send out to ya'll. I will not be repeating what the official mailing sends out, but rather this will be more of like a gossipy kinda thing. Meaning, it will not be CONFIRMED info. I moved the egroups sign up, to the fans section since it is more of a fan based thing. Also, I updated Johnny from MAP's bio, with help from Johnny himself. There is more Appearences too so, Sheeeeeeeck em out!
Marc's Team was added. Marc will be doin' an online chat on 1/26 at 9pm EASTERN. Go to MSN.COM for more details.
New pictures from KTU's Miracle on 34th St. were added under "his pics" and the "marc in person section". Sheeeeeeeeeck em out! Also, tour dates were announced along with a Grammy Nomination for Best Pop Male Vocal. Marc is up against Lou Bega (LMAO), Sting and some dude named Ricky. LOL! Congratulations Marc, if they really do base these awards on talent, then u got it babe! :)
For now on, not every single little detailic update will be posted. (FYI). It jus' becomes repetetive that way. To Keep up to date with Marc, please bookmark this site and keep checkin' the "appeareances section". :-)
Ok, things have been slackin' a tiny tiny bit due to Tatiana lately, :o) but trust me, we will be makin' up for it! I will be adding more personal stories soon, and also what happened to me at TRL. (Marc called me baby again!) LMAO! Please bookmark this page for more updates!
Did ya'll know Dayanara, (Marc's NEW Fiance) has a cd out and also a doll? I don't know, some of ya'll might not be as shocked as I. Anyway, I added pics of these under "Marc's People". The cd is under Misc. Marc memorabilia.
Most lyrics were added to Marc's new cd. Also, some more Appearences were added. Make sure to set or figure out how to set your vcr's! :-)
Due to the emails and the Booming of our star, I've added a section tellin' about all his appearences coming up, and any magazines he might be featured in. I will let ya'll know as soon as we know! :-) So make sure to bookmark this site. Some pics of the infamous "Johnny" were added under the Marc & Friends section of the pics. Also, some more pics from Hammerstein, and under Marc LIVE! I added a few pics from the Tower Record Signing. I have about 4 rolls, so if you keep wanting more, I'll keep putting em up. The words to "Marc Anthony" will be up by the end of the week WITH translations to all the songs in spanish. Remember, keep voting for Marc on TRL! If you missed Marc on CNN yesterday, then go here for a transcript.
The concert was off the hook! If you went, send me your feelings on it! :) I added some more symptoms under Obsession today. Also, 2 pics from Sunday's concert were added and also a pic of Marc's mural in Harlem that I took on Saturday. That pic can be found under "Mags and Things". So um, sheeecccckk it out baby!
Marc has been in the papers the past few days and about 3 pics from various NY papers have been added under the B&W section in the pics. The Lyrics and Pics from his new album should be up by Friday.