Maybe DYKE, Maybe NOT ( for those who think they are lesbian, bisexual, gay, or are just unsure)

It's the nintendo game of life

It's up to you whether you win or loose

And there is more than one way to win this game.

Welcome to my pages that have been written straight from my heart. Nothing here is bullshit, nothing here is just to make you feel better. It's all real and it's all about what I have been going through in the past year or so and what I am going through now. Sexuality is a complex issue. I do believe everyone is bi and enviornment just influeces who you choose to like... still, being bi or even thinking that you could be bi is a very scary thought. How many times a day do I hear the word "fag" being used as a dis... or dyke, or homo, whatever. It hurts, doesnt' it? Even if your not sure that you are gay or bi, it still hurts that when you are trying to figure out something as serious as this, something that is so real to you, they can just go joke about it. I know how you feel. Everyone out there who has a problem with you finding love can go screw themselves. Seriously: love is so hard to find and once you find it I don't think you should just look away because the one you have fallen for is of the same sex. Who gives a shit? Love isn't sex anyways. Love is so much higher and purer than sex. Sure sex and "making out" is nice, but only when you are with that special someone is it amazing. Let yourself find AMAZING and don't settle for anything less.

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