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Michie's Banner & Link Exchange

Would you like to be a part of Michie's Banner & Link Exchange?
If you would like to exchange links or banners with
Michie's Website 4 Christ
you have to Email Me
with your URL, the name of your site & your banner -if applicable.

If you wish to exchange banners,
Click Here 4 Michie's Banners

*In Order to be placed on Michie's Website 4 Christ Banner & Link Exchange the site you submit MUST glorify God an have no pornography, vulgarity, racist or other non-Christ like material. The site you submit must be Biblically Accurate! Only sites that Glorify God will be accepted!

Prayer Request & Praise Book

Holy Bears at

The Online Christian Newsletter

Scrolling Animations

Judson Baptist Church

Capstone Christian Ministries

Joy N Jesus Website

The Stoy Family Home Page

Cybergrace Banner Exchange 2000

Email Michie

NEW Guestbook!
Guestbook by GuestWorld

Praise God

Christian Search Engine


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