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Michie's Banners

Would you like to be a part of Michie's Banner Exchange?
If you would like to exchange banners with
Michie's Website 4 Christ
first you have to email me
with your URL and the name of your site.

If you wish to exchange banners,
right click on one of my banners and click "Save Image."
After you have uploaded my banner to your server,
this is the URL to link back to

Please do not copy the main banner
on Michie's Website 4 Christ.
(the one on the top of this page)
That is for use on this site only.

Michie's Website 4 Christ

Michie's Website 4 Christ

For Dark Backgrounds
Michie's Website 4 Christ

This banner is regular banner size for exchanges
Michie's Website 4 Christ

If you need help placing the HTML on your website
feel free to email me anytime.

*In Order to be placed on Michie's Website 4 Christ Banner & Link Exchange the site you submit MUST glorify God an have no pornography, vulgarity, racist or other non-Christ like material. The site you submit must be Biblically Accurate! Only Christian Sites will be accepted!
Email Michie

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Guestbook by GuestWorld

Praise God

Click here to go to Michie's Website!

Click the banner to go HOME

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire.
Please come back and visit again!

Background by:
In His Image Free Background Sets