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+ Html Team +

Here she is... the other webmistress that helps keep these websites going: Miss Wicket. Working hard and up late into the nights. Always welcoming the up and coming snack time for her hard efforts. She probably knows as much html and source codes as the next webster. Although, we all have bad days where... we some times delete entire pages.
She's about 16 years old and still in the prime of her catnip bunny.

And this... happens to be her brother, Tidy aka TidyMite. Not much of a hard core java scripter, but he keeps us entertained in the middle of the night. Always ready for the next pounce or quick ten minute nap. He is just the laid back type, but doesn't miss much either. He is... the King of Attitude.
One of the newest members of the team. She is what you may call our own personal secretary. Letting us know if there's any one around. Helping us remember what time it is. Some times she does help though with the html team. Mostly teaming up with Tidy.