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undefined Brendan's fans

Brendan's fans

This is a place where YOU, the FAN, can be listed! Just send me a picture of yourself if possible, your e-mail address, name, town and state/province, age, and a personal message to Brendan. Make sure in your message that you don't mention anything about his looks. I'm sure he'd appreciate it more if you praised him for his skills. If you're interested (you know you are), you can send me an e-mail here! Thanks so much!

Name: Melissa Zaccagnini, webmaster
State: New Jersey
Age: 19
Personal message to Brendan: Hey Brendan! As your #1 fan, I would like to congratulate you on your recent success with the Canucks. I'm glad it worked out for you, even though I miss you deeply here back in New Jersey. I just wanted to tell you how much I admire your skill and most of all your speed (you're crazy!). If you see this webpage one day and you're not totally freaked out by me, e-mail me! Thanks so much for being a constant inspiration to me!

Name: Christina
Province: British Columbia
Age: 15
Personal message to Brendan: Hey Mo!...I'm one of your biggest fans. I think you're the best hockey player from my point of view. You're always so patient with the puck and you have lots of speed and power. You have inspired me in so many ways. I now play hockey all the time, I'm helping out in my community and I'm just now a better person. I just want to say thank you for inspiring me to do diffrent things and I'm pretty sure you've done the same for others. So... THANX...and good luck with the rest of your hockey career! You're the best Canuck ever!!!

Name: Jen
Province: British Columbia
Age: 15
Personal message to Brendan: You're awesome and I love you!

Name: Ethan-Jeremy Walker
Province: British Columbia
Age: 22
Personal message to Brendan:

Name: Lauren
Province: British Columbia
Age: 14
Personal message to Brendan: I love Brendan Morrison

Name: Brian
Age: 13
Personal message to Brendan: I gave you a t-shirt, lol!

Name: Stephanie Wang
Province: British Columbia
Age: 14
Personal message to Brendan: Hey Brendan! I admire you so much! I think you're the best hockey player ever that i have seen so far. You have got so many good skills and good cross checking! I hope that the Canucks make it to the Stanley Cup because I watch all of their hockey games and I want the Canucks to win so badly this year! I'm from Vancouver. Well, Morrison I love ya so much as a hockey player and I hope you read my message!

Name: Amanda Leung
Province: British Columbia
Age: 15
Personal message to Brendan:

Name: Maya H.
Province: British Columbia
Personal message to Brendan:
Dear Brendan,
i have been one of your biggest fans since you were at New Jersey and i was totally stoked that you were comming to Vancouver! Plus you are a local player so it must be better for you to play here was well! You have AMAZING speed on the ice and it's inspired me to learn how to skate (which I still can't.. but I'm working on it) and play field hockey. It was great to see you at the Molson Indy in Vancouver, it made my day so much brighter. Good luck on getting the Cup next season!
Yours Always Maya

Name: Mellisa Yee-Lim
Province: British Columbia
Personal message to Brendan:
Hey Brendan,
Well, I just wanted to say hi and tell you that you're an amazing athlete. You have the speed and the ambition to win, if you get knocked down you'd get right back up. That's why your my favourite player from the Canucks. That's why your the best through my eyes. We're kinda alike, we never give up no matter what the obstacle is. Brendan, I just wanted to congratulate you for receiving a precious little boy. You are very lucky and Braedon is very special to have a father like you. Good luck next season and I hope yourself, Todd Bertuzzi, and Markus Naslund (the trio) bring it hard and win Vancouver the Stanley Cup!

Name: Kayla Fofonoff
Province: BC
Age: 14
Personal message to Brendan: Hey Brendan! Just want to say I think youre an awesome hockey player, I cheer for you every game. You have great hockey skills and have inspired me in many ways. Good luck with the rest of your career.
I'll always luv you.
from Foffy

Name: Naomi Tsuji
Province: Coquitlam, British Columbia
Age: 14
Personal message to Brendan: Hey Mo....I am one of your biggest fans! You are the awesomest player I have ever seen! I congratulate you on your success with the Canucks. You have great talent and I admire you in many good ways. I just want to say that you're my favorite Canuck and that I love you!! And GOOD LUCK WITH YOU HOCKEY CAREER!
Love, Naomi

Name:Marie Dale Moody
Province: British Columbia
Age: 15
Personal message to Brendan:

Name: Melanie Delmas
Personal message to Brendan: Morrison is why I still watch hockey!!! The way he plays, and how he sees the ice continues to amaze me! I have such respect for the player that he is. He is a true athlete and never loses his cool out there on the ice either. He always plays his heart out. He is the glue that keeps the "big" line together. Without Mo, that line would not be the same. I just love that guy!!! "YOU'RE NUMBER ONE MO!"

Name:April, Nicole, and Cristine Byland
Province:British Columbia
Personal message to Brendan: Hey Mo, I just love you! I'm your biggest fan ever! You're the greatest Canucks player ever! Good luck and I hope you have a good season of hockey.

Name: Nadia Androsoff
Province: British Columbia
Age: 15
Personal message to Brendan:
Brendan Morrison,
my love for you will never even come close to Melissa's love for you and I know I pretty much don't exist to you but I dare to dream that I'll meet you personally one day and when or if that day comes I'll probably trip or do something really stupid (cause that always happens to me) but for now I'll just dream of you and Nazzy, Cloutier and Bertuzzi cause I idolize all of you. My friend is completely jealous of me since my wall is covered with pics and posters of all of you (and my Junior B home team) and I’ve got Canucks everything. Not a day goes by when I don’t think of you and your awesome team. Also, I just want to give some credit to one of the VIJHL Comox Valley Glacier Kings, Jesse Harris, since he’s an awesome hockey player and bears the lucky number 7 on his jersey and also plays center (ironic eh?) Jesse is pretty much as good a hockey player as you and I think it’s safe to say that he’ll be up in the NHL in a few years. So I’m going to go on dreaming and the next chance I get I’ll be up in the stands at GM Place cheering as loud as possible!
Love, Nadia, aka ~Catnip~

Name: Rhiannon Berke
Province: British Columbia
Age: 12
Personal message to Brendan: I am your biggest fan,trust me! I am obsessed with you, even ask my friends. I am glad you're with the Canucks because you belong there. Since you joined, they have done way better. So, congrats!

Name: Chelsea
Province: British Columbia
Age: 15
Personal message to Brendan: Hey Mo.... Just wanted to say that I think you're an awesome hockey player, you're my hero! You have inspired me in so many ways. Good luck with the rest of your career. I'll always luv you.
Luv, Chelsea

Name: Jessica Hathaway
Province: South Surrey, British Columbia
Age: 14
Personal message to Brendan: Hey Mo! First of all, congatulations on winning the Gold Medal in Prague with Team Canada. We hope that you sign with the Canucks again next year so we can continue to have your amazing skill on our team. Thanks for the game 6 overtime goal, I was so happy! You're a great role model and inspiring to all Canuck fans.

Name: Serjjj
Country: Russia
