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undefined Updates


4-18-04 So I've been getting a lot of complaints about the pictures being outdated. You guys need to realize that I go to college plus work around 30 hours a week, which doesn't really leave a lot of time for this website. As much as I'd like to stay on top of things more, it's going to be hard. Not only do the pictures need to be updated, but the press releases section. And basically everything else. I'm really sorry that it's moving so slow, but don't walk away just yet. If you want to help me out, just send me an e-mail if you come across a picture or an article that's not here. Thanks in advance for your understanding, and I'll try my best to update as soon as possible.

10-05-03 I figured since hockey season is only a couple of days away, I should start getting the site in shape again. I added a couple of interviews off of on the audio page and 11 pictures to the pictures page. Let me know if there's anything else on the site that needs work. Thanks.

7-08-03 I added a couple new sections within the past couple of days. The first is just a small one, for anyone who has linked my site to theirs. It's a little button I made. Anyone is welcome to use it. The other page I made is filled with a bunch of transcripts from the interviews on They're all taken from the audio section. It took me a really long time to do, so make sure you check it out. You could learn something new, too!

6-27-03 I just got finished with the pictures page. I added a whole bunch for you guys. They're from the signing that Brendan went to at the Pacific Center for Father's Day. The pictures were taken by nux_rox on the message board, so please do not steal any. Or, any pictures for that matter.

5-09-03 I'm now done with everything, hope you all like it. Here's the Brendan Morrison quote on his injury, recorded on Feb. 18th.
"I don't know exactly what happened but you know a rebound came to me and I think Shanahan tried to slash my stick and then I think he got his-the tip of the stick rebounded right back into my mouth and I had a bridge in my front four teeth and that was completely knocked out and broke both my posts so I'll probably have to end up getting a plate or something. And then I had my lower tooth come out through the side of my cheek so I had to get stitched on the outside and on the inside and then a big chunk of my gum came out too so they had to stitch my gum back together a bit. So I mean I guess when we get back I'll take care of the rest of it but they just did some temporary things last night like one of my teeth that didn't have a root canal they took the nerve out last night so it's dead so (laughs) that doesn't help me talking, ya know? (laughs) but yeah I mean it's just one of those things that happens."
I would also like to extend my thanks and congratulations to the Vancouver Canucks for putting up the fight they did. I'm very proud of them.

5-09-03 In an attempt to make the page a little more professional looking, I am going to be modifying things a bit. All of the different color backgrounds are going and from now on the backgrounds will just be plain black, so it looks nicer and it's a bit easier on the eyes. I'm also making the font smaller, because the size I have now is just too big. If anyone has any ideas for me to try reguarding the website, don't hesitate to e-mail me.

3-09-03 So I am sure all of you by now have heard of Brendan's injury. Since I don't live anywhere near Vancouver, I wasn't able to see it on TV, or hear him talk about it. I also don't have javascript on my computer, so I can't even watch the reels on Yesterday I had a chance to watch an interview with him and listen to him talk about his injuries on a different computer. A direct quote from him will be on the main page.

2-8-03 I added a bunch more pictures to the page. Many of them were taken by Vanessa, who was very gracious to grant me permission to use them. Do yourself a favor and check out the page. (A link to her page is on my link page)

2-5-03 I added 3 new pictures to the already huge pics page. Enjoy!

1-25-03 I have some bad news for you guys. Since was re-done, they deleted most of the old pics, which made up about 1/8 of the pictures on the pictures page. A lot of stuff is now gone, but I plan on adding a lot more stuff soon. Wish me luck on finding pics!

1-13-03 I added hit counters to every page so I can keep track. Also fixed the broken picture link.

1-8-03 Today I added about 10 pictures. Go check them out.

12-30-02 Wow, sorry for the lack of updates. I don't know if I told you guys, but I did attend my annual Devils vs. Canucks game. Needless to say, the Canucks won! I was probably one of the 3 people in the stadium that was actually happy about that. Anyway though, I think that since I have the next couple days off for winter break that I should update this page. The sections I will be working on will be the index (this part), pictures, and I will be deleting the About Me section (it's pretty pointless). I am also thinking of making a fan page. If you guys are interested in being on it, just e-mail me at the address at the bottom of the page. Send me a pic of yourself (if possible), your e-mail address, age, name, where you live, and a little bio of you. Possibly a little shout-out to Brendan if he ever does look at this page. No comments on him being hot, ladies.

10-24-02 This really has nothing to do with Brendan Morrison, but I have a livejournal and my name there is gurlinasuitcase. I was wondering, if any of you guys happen to stumble on this message and have livejournal, if you could add me to your friends list and I will add you back! Thanks! (I will be doing a massive update soon)

9-17-02 I added a chat room and a message board. Have fun with them guys!!

8-14-02 In case you haven't heard, will be holding a live chat with Brendan Morrison on Thursday the 15th, tomorrow. It will be at 3:00 Pacific Time, which is 6:00 Eastern time. Make sure to say hi if you see me in there, my name will be HobeyMorrison.

8-12-02 HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRENDAN!!!!!! He's 27 today!!!!!

8-6-02 I just checked my e-mail this morning and my website was picked website of the month by Pens Fans 4ever! Thank you so much to all of you guys that are regular visitors to the site, and again thank you to Pens Fans 4ever!!! (You can see the award under the 'award' section)

7-17-02 There's a brand new Brendan message board! Check it out!!

6-2-02 My friend Lindsay was nice enough to type up an interview that the Vancouver tv guide had with Erin Morrison. It also includes other hockey wives, better check it out! And when you do, thank Lindsay for typing it up! (it's in the press release section)

4-23-02 I couldn't say it any better! This article is from the 16th!! SOOOO GREAT!!!

4-14-02 I added a new page, check it out.

4-14-02 Congratulations to the Canucks for the following: 254 goals on the season (1st in the NHL), for setting an organization record for most points gathered after the all-star break, having the best and hottest line in the NHL (Morrison, Bertuzzi, and Naslund), Markus Naslund scoring his 40th of the season, team with most players that have 20+ goals, Brendan Morrison for surpassing his goal record (this season is his highest with 23), ....I can go on, but I think you get the idea. But the most important thing: THEY MADE THE PLAYOFFS! YeaH BabY!

3-29-02 After looking at my guestbook this morning, I saw some really stupid idiotic things posted. Someone just posted a bunch of dollar signs for everything, and then someone else just wrote their name with numbers, and then another one just wrote you suck. (and they didn't even spell you suck right) Seriously, if you're gunna write nonsense in the book, don't bother, cuz I will just erase it. And if you want to leave criticism, feel free. Just make sure to tell me what I need to work on. Thank you.****And to everyone else that posts good and valid comments in my guestbook, thank you so much. You're the ones that keep this website going. =)

3-27-02 WoW! I just got this in my email! Verrry cool. After a scoreless first period, Brendan Morrison opened the scoring with his career-high 20th of the season three minutes into the second period. AND! Brendan Morrison scored his first goal since Mar. 14 Tuesday. The goal set a new career-high for goals (20) and points (60) for the Pitt Meadows native, Morrison is not far behind Naslund with 47 points scored at even strength. As far as assists registered at even strength, Morrison's 32 ranked him tied for fourth among all NHL players (through Mar. 25/02). GO GO GO GO BRENDAN!! WOOO !!!!!!

3-21-02 It's been wayyy too long since the last update. I just got finished clearing out the pictures section of the broken links, so it's clean now. =) Right now I am working on adding more pictures from Look forward to that!

12-27-01 First I wanna say happy 17th birthday to my good buddy Ashleigh! I hope the holidays treated everyone well. Umm, I have a favor to ask. I know a lot of people that come to this site have met Brendan, so if you would like, can you please (in 1 paragraph or more) submit to me your encounters with him? And if you have pictures with him too that'd be great. My e-mail address is at the bottom of the page. Thanks everyone!

11-29-01 I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving, mine was alright I guess. The Canucks are on a roll because of the addition of Trevor Linden! Brendan is hot right now....his stats are impressive. I'm hoping he will go over his goal count last year. Well, I'm in school right now so I better be going. If I don't write before then, have a Happy Hannaukah, Merry Christmas....Kwanzaa whatever you celebrate!!

11-5-01 Here I am with a new high speed computer. Thank God, my other computer was horrible. I am going to try to spiff things up today, try to get everything working, add stuff. There's some stuff in here that hasn't worked since I put it there, so I hope that the page will look a little bit better after that. Also, I do have a page where you can e-mail your experiences to me about meeting Brendan-or any of the Canucks-but everyone who has met him usually puts it in the guestbook. E-mail your stories to me! I want to at least have one experience in there!! My address is at the bottom of the page. Thanks! =)

8-14-01 Wow it's been a real long time since I've even looked at this page, but I promise you I am here for good this time. Well I guess I should say Happy Birthday Brendan! I am still not sure if his birthday is the 12th or the 15th because every webpage either says one or the other, I don't know!! But he is 26, I know that. I hope he had a good day or if it's on the 15th, I hope he has a good day! And if any of you care, Keri and I met....finally. But PathMark misplaced the pictures, if they ever find them, I will scan them here, ok? Well see you guys later!
