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Did we say slight delay? We meant major delay. The design of the site is basically done, but we're still working on getting all the new content up. It's just that we have so many other projects and sites we're working on, as well as our lives offline. This site seems to have taken a back seat to some other things. We WILL get it back open eventually, we just don't know when. Trust us, this site is absolutely NOT closing. It's our very first site, our little baby. :) So, when this site does open again, you will hear about it at our site collective KnK Productions If you don't want to go there, just send us a blank e-mail that says update? in the subject line. When the site is finally open again, we'll notify you. See you soon!
Kristinand Kaitlin
~100% Passions: Celebrating One Year on the Web~

The above button was made by my (Kristin's) friend Brianne.