Free Advertising from Click2Net! Nidoran Vs. NidoranTrainer 1 calls out Nidoran male(nick named "M"). Trainer 2 calss out Nidoran female(nick named "F"). M uses Horn attack. 25% damage done to F. F uses Posion Sting. 5% damage has been done to M. M uses Furry Attack. It hit 5 times. 50% damage has been taken by F. F uses Double Kick, it hit 2 times. 4% damage was taken by M. M uses Horn Attack. F fainted. Kingler Vs. PinsirTrainer 1 calls out Kingler. Trainer 2 calls out Pinsir. Kingler uses Gullitine. Pinsir fainted. Onix Vs. DittoTrainer 1 calls out Onix. Trainer 2 calls Ditto. Onix uses Wrap, 15% damage is done to Ditto. Ditto can't move! Onix's attack coninues! 15% damage is done. Onix's attack continues! Critical Hit! 20% damage is done. Ditto Tranforms into Onix. Onix uses Rage! 5% done to Ditto. Ditto uses Rage. 5% damage done to Onix. Onix's Rage is building. Onix's attck rose. Onix uses Rage, 6% damage done to Ditto, and so on till... Ditto Fainted Clefairy Vs. JigglypuffTrainer 1 calls out Clefairy. Trainer 2 calls out Jigglypuff. Clefairy uses Metronome! Clefairy uses Explosion. Clefairy fainted. Jigglypuff fainted. Free Advertising from Click2Net! Copyright © 1999-2000 James Flynn and Tyler Hardy.