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~*~More Beautiful People~*~ is more of my lovely friends >:D

This is Jason, the turd-boy. As you can see, he definately qualifies as beautiful. (even tho he's mean) It's all good, tho...because I love him just the same *huggles*

Okay, everyone. This is Rich. He's one of the most beautiful boys i've ever seen. I just met him not to long ago, but he's a big sweetie. He's always fighting tho >:( Oh well, it was funny when he sent that really ugly kids photo to the whole chatroom..lmao...well, Jamie loves ya, Rich..*big hugs and kisses*

This is my very good girlie friend, Christina. I love her very much. She's the only person i've met who loves dancing as much as I do. When we are together we dance the night away!! Another good thing about this great girlie-butt is, whenever she comes over she brings me cool presents...just like grandma >:D Christina, just remember who yer daddy is lol..I love you so much, girl..*covers you in kisses*