Jacobs Ranch Homestead & family information:
Three Generations and a 100 years plus.......
The Jacobs Homestead was started when the Nezperce Indian Reservation on
Camas Prairie was opened to Homesteading in the late 1800.
Nicholas Jacobs staked his homestead out with the rest of the land-rushers
in 1895. He then proved up on the land and moved his wife Kate and 3
daughters to the Camas Prairie from Uniontown, Washington. Nicholas and Kate
raised a family of
7 children, six girls and one boy.
Robert the next to the youngest child grew up farming with his father and
bought the farm from his father in 1939.
Robert and his wife Olleda (Pansey) raised a family of 2 boys there. James
"Nick" Jacobs and Theodore R. Jacobs. It was Robert who expanded the
farming operation to include beef cattle.
Starting with a small herd in the 1940's Robert expanded the cattle numbers to 60
head. His son, Ted, took the reins up in the late 70's and further expanded the
cattle to the present herd.
Ted married and both he and his wife, Dawn, currently run the operation. Their
two girls Shanna and Dione also helped with the cattle and farming when growing
up there.
Dawn and the girls started the NJ Paint Horse enterprise in the late
Dione with Shanna's son Drew aboard Dandy Shoe Shine
Dione continues to help with the cattle and horses on a limited basis
while she
continues her college education .
Shanna and son Drew come and help work the cattle
every spring.