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To The Angels!!

This is another little tribute to the Angels that were sent to earth and ended up staying. Becoming out casts of Eden. Due to them helping the Earthians and due to their love. Which both were fobbiden in Eden.

Chihaya is one of the angels sent to earth to decide the fate of the earth. He is a positive checker. Looking for the good reasons to keep the earthians alive and around. He is unlike any other angel. He has black hair and black wings. This is one of the missions he has personally through out the story. Why is he so different? Why is he the only one with black hair and wings? Since he is a positive checker. He also carries with him extreme emotions and is truley innocent.

The other sent to go with him is Kagetsuya. He is blonde and has white wings. He is the balance since he is the negitive checker. Looking at the complete oposite of what Chihaya is looking at. Being the negitive checker. He isn't quite as emotional as his counter part. Making him perfect for the job.

When it starts out. Kagetsuya is reading a letter that Chihaya meant for home. Not only an invasion of privacy it also shows that Kagetsuya does make Chihaya his business as well. Which ends up his personal mission through out the story.

Chihaya always ends up finding some one in dire need of helping. First case is a young lady who'm he only knew through a lost soul he happen to meet earlier. When they find each other he learns that. She is actually from a science lab. Where they had put counter parts into her and she was now unstable.

Kagetsuya doesn't like it from the start. He tries to tell his friend that some thing isnt right. Pointing out burns on her body. Later to find out that part of her heart is nucluer active. Which is one of the reasons that others are after her.

During their aid. Chihaya ends up being taken. In order to be an exchange for the girl. During this time Kagetsuya and her don't know what is actually going on. That scientist is actually expirementing on him. Kagetsuya, eventually ends up rushing in and rescuing him. While the girl surenders herself back to the lab. In the end... Kagetsuya and Chihaya escape in the nic of time as the girl self detinates. Taking the lab and most every one with her. Later Chihaya ponders this and wondes why she did it. Feeling bad for her. Kagetsuya comforts him by telling him. That perhaps she was now finally free to feel and maybe he shouldn't feel bad, but happy for her.

As the series goes on. Kagetsuya and Chihaya become good friends and eventually fall in love. Although, but what is a good anime with out tragedy?

The Scientist had escaped and was even getting madder by the hour. He was obsessed with his first creation, Taki. He had betrayed him and the guy was just plain crazy. So, he thirsted for revenge. Little did the angels know though. That during the time Chihaya was captured. The nice doc. had taken smaples of him. Using them to make a clone known to become, Messiah.

During one of the rescues. Chihaya descovers him in a locked room. Shocked to see that there was an angel there. He tried and tried to force the door open, but yet the angel remained. Doing his best he told him that he'd be back. Messiah took in every thing. The mad Doc. Ashino would later come to find out. That Messiah's programing was interfered with due to this.

Messiah was origanly programed for mass destruction and used for hacking into the computers. All this was in his head and he didn't know it was wrong. Until Chihaya appeared to him again. Just about to start to destroy every thing. Dr. Ashino had even shot him and it didn't really phase Messiah. Until his memory sorted through his files and he remembered that. He was there once before and trying to help him. In this he dropped into the water. From then on Messiah had a major conflict with his programing. All he wanted was for it to stop and see again the face of Chihaya. Even to the extent of competeing with Kagetsuya for his attention.

The story endes where Dr. Ashino has Messiah's control. Making hurt the one he cared for. Breaking Chihaya's wings and beating up Kagetsuya. Then one more time. His memory returns. In his own justice Messiah pulls the doc into his arms and kills the both of them.

Kagetsuya and Chihaya are now left with the heart ache and knowing that they could never go home to Eden. Although... with the ray of hope. They still have each other and perhaps... the earthians arn't so bad after all.