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Ranmaru | Levy Rah | Wise Man | Queen Beryl |
Kunzite | Zoisite | Nephrite | Jedeite |

+ Evil Plans +

Ranmaru Mori; Wrath of the Ninja-The Yotoden Movie
You know how you have to watch the one that is in second command right. Well, in this case it was well done. Ranmaru served under Nobonaga the Demon God. Ranmaru's plan began a long time ago. He had created three swords of sorcery and given them to three schools of Shadow Warriors. He then,when the time was near. He had destroyed the schools only leaving three Shadow Warriors alive with stirred emotions. This was to help power the swords. They had to be powered with intense emotion to defeat the demons that await them.

The demons they had to defeat were Ranmaru's own men. His underlings were ment to die. So they would appear to be going after the Demon God and render Ranmaru to seem innocent. The three Shadow Warriors had followed his plans quite well. Untill they had defeated Nobonaga. He then let his defenses down for just a few minutes. My hat goes off to Ranmaru and his evil plan.

Levy Rah
; Demon City - shinjuku
Another plan that lasted for a long time was of Levy Rah. He had befriended himself with the demon world. Thus,he had come to a compramise with them. Allow them to take over the world...for supernatrul powers that would have been unbeatable. He first had to beat a man with the name of Isayoi. He won...sorta. He was able to have enough time to just barely complete his plan.

But he had one more battle to win before he could finish. He was to appose Isayoi's son Kiyoiya. And his friends Sayaka ,?name? and Mephisto. Again,another plan down the tubes just before they seen it complete.

Wise Man
Sailor Moon
Clever and paitent he slowly manipulated Prince Diamond. His plan was to destory Crystal Tokyo and the Scouts. He used the Dark Family to try to get rid of the scouts. But one by one his failure was showing more and more. But the last draw that showed his true nature and plans.Was when he had enough nerve to kill Saphire in front of Prince Diamond. Even when Diamond was telling him no. It was then that Prince Diamond had really begun to ponder Wise Man's loyalty. His down fall though was killing Diamond in front of Sailor Moon. It had given her strength to do what she had to do. And that was to defeat him.

Queen Beryl
; Sailor Moon
Queen Beryl, more of a middle women ,wasn't that great of a planner...but she did help carry out some pretty good plans. For instance. She knew how to motivate the generals and others. She made sure that the plans were going right or wrong. Such as what had happened with Jedeite. He was doing a good job at gathering energy,but had a problem with keeping it. He knew what Beryl would do if he had too may mistakes. And in the end she was able to carry them out. With out her to keep them motived. Her generals may not have did as good as they did.

; Sailor Moon
Powerfull, smart and just cool. Even he realized when he needed help or when he was ever in trouble. This was what made him an excellent planner. He has been considered the most powerfull of the Four Generals. Not to mention he had the cool boomerangs and dry sense of humor.

Zoisite; Sailor Moon
Okay she/he was a little wicked. But that's what made her a good villain. As like Nephrite...she was more involved in her plans. She/he wasn't afraid to go after what the goal was. Keeping in mind who and where every one stood and what the object of her desire was.

Nephrite; Sailor Moon
First off..he had a cool car. Then...he had good plans. The Tuxedo Mask theme was pretty good. The way he'd get involved with is goons in retrieving energy was a plus. Unlike the other generals. He not only had the normal troubles as them, but to add to it. Zoisite was always picking at wounds and pulling rank of sorts on him.

Jedeite; Sailor Moon
First I'd like to see some one else pull off the raido eppie. He was pretty smart. And although he wasn't as ruthless as Kunzite/Malachite or Nephrite. Although, he was the first to go after the scouts and came extremely close to winning the battle. With a little time...he would have had seen success in his plans.