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Tribute to The Dark Half of the Moon

NAME: Prince Diamond

Hair: Ice Blue
Height: 'bout 5'8"
Weight: 'bout 155
Position: Leader of the Dark Moon Family

Prince Diamond, the false leader of the Dark Family. He was a good leader and kept the others in line and on track. His plan/mission was to conquer Crystal Tokyo and get the revenge he and his clan deserved for being sent to the Black Moon. He wasn't able to get to Sailor Moon/Neo-Queen Serenity there in the future. So they went after Reenie/Small Lady in the past. She had taken the crystal and fled there. Altough he thaught he was doing what he felt as right for his clan. He was being mislead by the Wise Man who was just using him for his own plans about what he wanted with Crystal Tokyo.

This is where his brother had given his life to try to tell Diamond that Wise Man wasn't up to any good. And he slowly started to see truth after his death. He came very close to seeing his plan work completly. But he also, like Emerald and Wise Man. He to had other interests. His heart was falling for Sailor Moon. And tried to keep her from harms way. In his end...he had saved her once again. His good intentions is what has landed him here in te pages of ray of hope.

NAME: Saphire

Hair: MidNight Blue
Height:'bout 5'5"
Weight: 'bout 150 lbs
Position: (Prince Saphire, the passive thinker)

Saphire was Prince Diamond's little brother. He helped the others out in their missions here and there. He had made Emeralds Dark Crystal Wedges. But he also questioned why they needed the Silver Crystal and Small Lady when they already had the Dark Crystal. In his attempt to tell his brother about Wise Man's plan to destroy the Family and the Crystal he had lost his life. But he was able to remind Diamond of the real reason they first tried to take over Crystal Tokyo and tell Diamond that Wise Man had an alternate plan..but was still vauge. Saphire's loyalties and undying love of his brother is what has landed him here in the pages of the ray of hope.

NAME: Emerald

Hair: Shades of Green
Height:'bout 5'8"
Weight: 'boout 120 lbs.
Position: Highest Ranking Officer of the Dark Moon

Emerald was the Cammander and Chief of this mission. She took over after Rubeus. Her plan was to take over Crystal Tokyo by placing Dark Crystal Power Wedges (which were made by Saphire ..that looked like her) in negative points in Tokyo. With her determination to please her Prince she was able to find negative points and managed to give the Scouts a hard time.

But her love for the Prince would be her down fall. Wise Man tricked her into thinking she would be Queen and sit by Diamond's side. Turning her into a Dragon of sorts and ened up going after the Scouts. In her defeat...she end up in oblivion. Her deterimation and love of her Prince is how she will live on in the pages of the ray of hope.

NAME: Rubeus

Hair: Ruby Red
Height: 'bout 6'0"
Weight: 'bout 160 lbs.
Position: Commander of the Four Sisters and third ranking officer

Rubeus was thrid in command and was the commander of the Four Sisters. Rubeus's mission was to retrieve the silver crystal and get rid of Small Lady/Reenie. Also to find the silver crystal points and take them over. Through out his mission he had lost the Four Sisters to the Sailor Scouts and didn't manage to get any points or the kid. Emerald went to him and rubbed those facts into his face and told him that Prince Diamond was very disappointed and only had 24 hrs. to finish his mission or Emerald would take over his mission and he would no longer be part of the Dark Moon Family.

In his attempt to prove himself to Diamond he had planned to get rid of the Sailor Scouts and the kid and get the Crystal. But his plan was twisted and became something else. Rubeus was able to capture four of the scouts and told Sailor Moon that he would do a trade. The Scouts for the crystal and Small Lady. In the end, he decided to put the ship on self distruct and get every one at once. But the Scouts telaported away and Emerald let Rubeus go down with his ship. Although Rubeus had many failures. He had done well in trying to do them. This and his loyalty as a commander is how he has made it to the pages of the ray of hope.

NAME: Wicked Lady

Hair: Pink
Height: 'bout 5'6"
Weight: 'bout 115lbs.
Posittion: My guess is she was just a pawn of power...
(But then she was the only one I seen sit that close to Diamond.)

Wicked Lady was the newest member of the Dark Moon Family. Originally she was known as Small Lady/Reenie. Daughter of Neo-Queen Serenity, she was sent back in time to be safe and find the Crystal. When Wise Man found out that the Silver Crystal was absorbed into her he decided that it work to his advantage to keep her around in stead of getting rid of her. She was great at fighting the scouts and made an excellent villain. The only thing that swayed her from her path was how insistant Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask plus the other scouts were in telling her that she was loved. Her true feelings and playfullness as a villain is what has brought her here in the pages of ray of hope.