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Tribute to Sakon


This is a little tribute to one of my most favorite anime characters. Sakon the Whirlwind... master of the revolutionary style. So, just how and why does he fit here and land smack dab on the side of the page on the ray of hope?

This beautiful redhead is quiet, blunt to the point and ready for most anything. At first glance he may also seem cold and void of feelings: ready to tell others what ever may cross his mind. Even though he is respected by most that know him and others he just seemed to get angry or frustrated by his ways. His still does pretty much as pleases. Even to the point of leaving the group during critical times.

In which many were killed and just plain slaughtered. Even losing his newest friend to the battle in his absence. This is where he takes off after a difference of opinions. He knows that the battle is a lost cause and the enemy was planning and ready for them. Yet he leaves his two companions and his young friend, Ryo.

For a while he tracks off on his own leaving his two friends that remained alive. To venture forth and hunt down Nobunaga on their own. During this they do need him and even find him once again. Alone in a cave... where he obviously needs to get his head together and get back on track.

Although, he may have just seemed like he was letting every thing slip by. He was trying to figure out why others would even try to fight some thing they would surely lose. Even if it was a small reason, he said he would have been willing to help and die for the cause. It was just at the time he couldn't find a reason to keep fighting a battle. That seemed endless and surly fail.

It was when his two friends finally found the demon god Nobunaga and his fortress. He decided to help them out. Storming in to the situation and saving Ayame from Kiheiji. A shock to all in fact. When he shows up from no where and when you finally get over that. You notice that he is all cleaned up and his red hair is cut. This guy surely has found a reason to keep fighting now.

After telling Ayame to take off and help their friend. He stays behind to finish off Kiheiji. A battle that seemed to out match him. Even giving him a serious injury. Fallen and losing the fight. He hears what is going on about him. Kiheiji telling him he would no doubt lose due to the fact he couldn't use the sword to the fullest.

In a feeling of defeat. He could no longer hold back and push away his feelings. Knowing that every one would lose. Including losing the one he actually loved. This is where the tables turn and Sakon finally lets his emotions run rapid: letting the power of the sword help and even defeat most of their enemies.

Although, once again he is needed. This time to face the true enemy of them all, Ranmaru. At first Ranmaru wants to finish off the weakened women at his feet, but is halted by Sakon raising and ready to meet him to battle. This time focusing on just him and protecting Ayame.

A few strikes in and Sakon falls to his knees. Even though they are closely
matched, but what can you do? When you're all beaten up from other battles and should have been rightfully been dead already? In perfect health I believe Sakon could have much more than held his own in this stand. Although, it was due to his friend with a sneak attack from behind. That Sakon was able to finally tell Ayame his true feelings and thoughts of her... with out a lecture.

So, the biggest reason he's here with in these pages. Is the fact that even though he seemed to be cold and void of feelings: even reason at times. He still pulled through and was there. Actually becoming the opposite of what was his presentation at first glance and giving his own live. To protect another, because he knew life was precious.