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A tribute to Kristen Anne- 01/09/77-07/10/01


We were sent an angel,

An angel from above

She came into our lives one snowy January night

So pretty, so little, such a precious sight.

God said, “I will teach you patience with this little one here.

There will be laughter, joy, happiness and many a tear.

Through all your sorrows, you will know I’m with you in all you do.

Just look in this child’s eyes to see my love shining through."

She may never walk, or talk, or ever try to run,

But we know one thing for certain, she is God’s very special one.

She smiles at the name of Jesus,

In church she loves to sing.

She’s touched the hearts of people around her

What joy to them she does bring.

God has sent his love to us from up above

When He sent us Kristen Anne to love.

January 9,1977-July 10, 2001

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