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Internet Family

Many people don't have families of their own, so they come online hoping to make a few good friends, but then they get close and friendships turn into more, much more than they ever expected or dreamed of. People on the internet become like family to some and the feelings and emotions they share are deep and personal. But sometimes people take that for granted and somehow someone gets hurt in the silly game of he said , she said and the friendships end because of it all. The internet is real and it is filled with real people with real emotions. It's filled with people who have noone in their life, no families, no friends, no one to care. Many people on the internet are elderly or sick and come here to talk to someone who will listen and who will care. Each and everyone of us are here for a reason....God knows what that reason is and he is watching to see that we do what we are supposed to be doing. Maybe we are here to help someone who has noone, maybe to become family to one that has no family, maybe to be the person who will listen and care, maybe to love someone who has never been loved. Perhaps we were sent here by God to become earth angels online to those less fortunate in life. Whatever the reason is that we are here... one thing for sure is that we are one big family of internet people who in one way or another have a meaningful affect on someone's life here on the internet, and we have a bond with some that is sooo deep that it makes you feel like we are a family, a family that just never met. A family from a distance whether near or far, a family we may never see or hear, but yet a family, an internet family.

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