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The End

I tried to be who you wanted me to be to you,
but it just wasn't good enough, you felt I was untrue.
I realize I have hurt you at times in the past,
but you hurt me so much that I don't want the pain to last.
All I ever wanted was to be happy and free,
but you couldn't accept that I was being me.
I will care about you until the day I die,
but the time has come to say goodbye.
My life has no meaning anymore,
nothing matters to me like it did before.
I lost it all, I lost everything, my hopes, my dreams,
everything good I wanted in my life is all gone it seems.
If you want to remember me as I once was,
then remember me when I was happy, remember who I was.
Remember all of my dreams and hopes,
but also remember I could no longer cope.
I'm sorry that our love we couldn't mend,
and I'm soooo sorry that this is the end.

Copyright ©2001-2002 PurpleRose36
all rights reserved
October 7, 2001