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Happy Anniversary In Heaven Mama

Eleven years ago today God has taken you home
and with each passing day I miss you more and more
my life has changed completely since you left me
there have been many obsticles that I had to pass
but I'm sure you already know that mama.......
I know you are always watching over me and that
you are smiling down on me every time I succeed
I know that when times are bad in my life that you
are right there to compfort and console me because
I can feel your embrace around me and I can hear
you telling me everything will work out fine for me
I am very happy now mama, my dreams are coming true
I finally became who I wanted to be and I followed my heart
I'm a published poet now and that's only the start for me
I still have some dreams and goals that I'm working on
and I realize they make take some time but I also know
deep in my heart that all my dreams will one day come true
You raised me to believe that I can do or be anything I want
if I really put my mind to it, and that is how I live my life now mama
you have raised me to be kind and good hearted towards others
and now I have raised my own children to do the same thing
I thank you mama for giving me life and teaching me values
and morals that made me who I am today
and will continue to make me who I want to be in life.
and thank you mama for always watching over me
and guiding me up from heaven above in all that I do and will do.
Happy anniversary in heaven mama... I miss you soooo much
but I know you aren't really gone because you are right here
at all times always in my heart right where you shall forever be.

This page is in honor of my mom
who I love and miss dearly
Happy Anniversary In Heaven Mama
3/26/90 - 3/26/01
Love your little girl

Copyright ©2001-2002 PurpleRose36 3/26/01