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From The First Time

From the first time you came online we made this very special connection as if our souls knew each other and we had known each other forever

We talk nearly every day .. never being bored, always finding an interest or some feelings that we shared Always feeling happy to see each other on line and knowing we would share a few moments of each others lives

You are part of my family .. although I have not seen you except for maybe a picture you may have sent .. or maybe we have talked via the phones on the net .. but my feelings for you are just as real

so here we are now a part of the internet family of people around the world and I will never let you go because you mean too much to me .... and I am not sure what I will do if someday our computers are not connected .. and I am not able to see you here

On that day .. I think I shall surely die or feel like my heart is breaking and tearing in two .. oh what shall I do?!Well... I am not going to worry about that .. because I don't plan on ever losing you whether connected here or not .. you will always be in my heart and that is where you will stay!
~Author Unknown~

Page made by PurpleRose36
