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~Life Is Too Short~

Have you ever told yourself that you wanna live your life to the fullest and just never got around to doing the things you always wanted to do in life? Have you ever said one day I will try this and try that? Have you ever said you will explore the world and all it has to offer? Some people will never get the chance to do anything they said that they always wanted to do or to try because it's too late now. Some people will never know the feeling of being happy and free. Some will never know what it's like to love and be loved back. Life is too short not to take any chances and live life to the fullest. I am young, happy, healthy and free.. I want to be all I can be. I live my life like everyday is my last day on earth because there is still so much I wanna do much I wanna many dreams and goals that I still want to make a reality for me. When my time has come I want everyone to remember me as a person who lived her life to the fullest and never had regrets. I want the people I leave behind to have a lifetime of memories of me and how I lived life to the fullest and done all I said I would do. Life is too short always live life to the fullest so that you never need to say I should have, would have , could have.

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