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Through God's Eyes

I see you there,
all soft and pretty,
with your ribbons and lace...

little silly giggles,
a sparkle in your eyes,
and love upon your face.

always giving of love..
always giving of life,,,,
always giving of yourself,,,
it is a womans way....

never asking for a thing,,,,
never stopping when in pain....
never knowing what is coming..
and the price you will pay.

a woman is so fragile....
a woman is so tender,,,,
and so very vulnerable..
to abuse and pain...

a woman is so trusting..
and so understanding,,,
so full of compassion...
and will always try again.

and yet around me every day...
i see such violence and pain,,
i see so many women being hurt...
and yet,,,they somehow can't go..

Why and what makes them stay...
which fear is the strongest..
with broken bones and scars to show,,
and not knowing how or where to go.

Each of us who knows this tale...,
each of us who knows it is true...
becomes ALSO responsible..
for we all KNOW what to do!!

Through Gods eyes we're all the same,
as different as WE may feel,
Through Gods eyes we're ALL to blame,
for allowing this to become REAL !!

Through Gods eyes we have failed,
the TRUE TEST of life,
Through Gods eyes it is very sad,
that a man should hurt his wife.

Through Gods eyes the children we raise,
exposed to all this abuse and pain,
will continue the same in their own lives,
into all the days that remain.

We need to come together,,,united...
determined to MAKE it better NOW,
we must pass this message along,,,
and in so doing, we will discover HOW..

How to make girls understand,,,,
they are NOT to be abused..
they are NOT to be controlled...
and they DO MATTER and have CHOICE!!!

Written By Ed Kassirer July 1, 2000

Please pass this page on to everyone you know

Page made by PurpleRose36
A special thank you to the author Ed Kassirer for allowing me to use his work

The Author's E-mail
