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You Made Me Believe

How can I ever thank you for all you've done for me?
You made me believe in myself when I couldn't believe.
You've made me see that life was what we make it to be,
and mine is great if only I would take some time to see.
I've made many changes in my life mostly for the better,
and you have been right by my side through all of them.
I've had my share of ups and I've had my share of downs,
but you would always make me believe I should never frown.
You've made me believe in my hopes, goals and dreams.
You always made me believe there was nothing I couldn't do.
Like an angel you were the wings I clung to
when my life was going downhill.
If angels wanted to be paid I would have a neverending bill.
I don't know how I can ever repay you or thank you for all you do,
or even for coming into my life and making me believe in myself.
But I know for a fact I will be eternally grateful to have met you,
and for being a part of my life, it's like you are my guardian angel.
I appreciate you for all you've done and continue to do.
Thank you for making me believe in myself.

Copyright ©2001-2002 PurpleRose36