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Info About Me

This is the page where you will find info about me.
So here is my info: ; )

Name: Erica Lynn Gugliemella (I'm italian)

Birthday: Novemeber 20, 1985

Astrological Sign: Scorpio

Favorite colors: purple and teal

Hobbies: shopping, video games, hanging out with friends

Favorite food: anything with sugar, lots of it.

Least favorite food: mostly onions and peppers. YUK!!!

Favorite Gem Stone: Topaz (also my birthstone : ))

Favorite subject: school period is boring!!SNOOZER!!

Least favorite subject: same as before : )

Strong points: snooping through things, and Sailor Moon : )

Has trouble with: anything sticky, and annoying little kids.

Dream: I want to be a writer (I wrote my romance story, If you want a taste of my work.)

Height: 5"6"

Well, I live in
Edison, NJ
and I am going into 9th grade.
My first year of high school, joy!!

Basicly, I became a Sailor Moon fan about 2 years ago.
I started watching Sailor Moon when it was on Cartoon network at 4.
I didn't really know that there was a Sailor Neptune,
or any of the outers until my freind told me bout them.
I absolutly fell in love with Michiru
(so to speak)
and I knew she was going to be my favorite.

Anyway, I am 14 and this is basicly my first real site that I have made.
I am very happy with the results.
I worked for 4 months to bring this site to you, and it is still growing.: )
I am very happy that you like it.

I came up with the nick name LUNA N,
because since Sailor Neptune is my favorite scout/senshi
I knew I wanted it to have something to do with her.
Thats where the N came from.
I was actually looking through some pics on the internet,
when I saw a picture of Rini's Luna P ball.
Are you getting the picture yet.
I was thinking, I wanted something creative,
and then I thought of LUNA N.
That is how I came To be known as LUNA N!!

How I came up with Luna N's Silver Millennium, is beyond my reach.
I do think, however, that my elegent approach to it was a smart idea.
Don't you????
Well, I beleive that I have taken up enough of your time.
I will let you go off the explore my site. : )
Thank you for coming, and please have fun in the