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Sailor Chibi Chibi Facts

Japanese Name: Chibi-Chibi
Name Meaning: Small Small
Age: Approx 2
Astrological Sign: Unknown
Blood Type: O
Favorite Color: Red and blue
Hobby: Unknown
Favorite Food: Doughnuts
Least Favourite Food: None
Favorite Subject: Unknown
Worst Subject: Unknown
Has Trouble With: Unknown
Strong Point: Getting out of trouble
Dream: Unknown
Favorite Gem Stone: Diamond

Chibi-Chibi is this adorable little kid who just
appeared riding on an umbrella (you know, Mary
Poppins?). Her umbrella blew away and Usagi caught it
and gave it back to her. Chibi-Chibi then followed
her home. Chibi-Chibi disappeared, but when Usagi
opened the door to her house there was Chibi-Chibi,
her mother saying she was part of the family, (Much
like what Chibi-usa did). She can't talk, all she can
do is mimic what other people say or say 'chibi'.
(i.e. 'Hello, how are you?' 'Chibi..') Chibi-Chibi
is a Sailor Senshi, after touching Eternal Sailor
Moon's Moon Tier she turned into Sailor Chibi-Chibi.

Chibi-Chibi in the Anime:
Chibi-Chibi is Sailor Galaxia's star seed, The light
of hope that everyone was hopeing for. The chance
that Galaxia left when she captured Chaos. The only
think that could stop Galaxia.

Special Powers (Sailor Moon Stars)

She powered up Eternal Sailor Moon
Gave her yet another attack (the Silver Moon Crystal
Power Kiss)

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