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My Guardian Luna N

This is my Guardian, Luna N!
I made Luna N myself, please don't steal her.
If you want me to make you a guardian of your own,
just email me with the picture.
I am very handy when it comes to creating things. : )
Anyway, here is the background on our beloved Luna N!!

Luna N's Facts
(note: these are not my personal facts)

Name: Crysta Ann Myers

B-Day: July 27

Age: 13

Job: Swarn Protector Of The Silver Millennium/Sailor Neptune

Moto: Life is like a game of cards, you never know what hand you will be dealt next.

A Note From Luna N:

I want you all to know, I will be watching over you.
You will be safe from harm while you are under my watch.
Be not afraid fellow freinds, we have the power of love on our side!!

: )