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Nega Verse/Moon Facts

Queen Beryl

Queen Beryl is the ruler of the Negaverse.
From her Negaverse, Beryl attempts to free the powers of the Negaforce.
With these powers, she would become capable of conquering Earth and its universe.
During this story, her goals are to obtain energy,
to free the powers of the Negaforce,
and to obtain the Silver Imperial Crystal,
the only weapon capable of foiling Queen Beryl's plans.
Queen Beryl was also responsible for the attack on the Moon Kingdom,
which in turn forced Queen Serenity
to send her daughter and the power
of the Sailor Scouts into the future.
Actually, we aren't sure how the Sailor Scouts get to the future.
The original Japanese version has the
people mentioned from the Moon Kingdom
reincarnated on Earth several
hundred years into the future (our present day).


Jadeite was Queen Beryl's first general (chronologically in the series).
His mission was to gather energy to activate the powers of the Negaverse.


Neflyte, was one of Queen Beryl's agents.
He poses himself as a big time business man.
He prefers to use his powers to amplify the energy of his victims
before collecting it. He was destroyed in the episode A Friend in
Wolf's Clothing.


Zoisite is one of Queen Beryl's servants.
She was trained by Malachite, another servant of Queen Beryl
. Her relationship between herself and
Malachite is much more than just trainer and trainee.
These two have developped a semi-romantic relationship.
In the storyline, Zoisite is mainly responsible for
retrieving the seven rainbow crystals that were scattered on Earth.
She has an absolute hatred of Tuxedo Mask, more so than the Sailor Scouts.
Eventually, she dies in episode #31 "A Reluctant Princess" for
having disobeyed Queen Beryl's orders.
One more mention about Zoisite. In the US version, Zoisite is female.
In the original (Japanese version), Zoisite is male.
You can put two and two together about Zoisite and
Malachite relationship in the original series.


Malachite is one of Queen Beryl's more powerful agents.
With his assistant and trainee Zoisite, their mission is
to recover the Imperium Silver Crystal, so that Queen Beryl
can procede to release the forces of the Negaverse.
He has a semi-romantic relationship with Zoisite
(the only person he can work with as a team).
He has an absolute hatred of the Sailor Scouts
(especially Sailor Moon), much more than for Tuxedo Mask.
That way, both Zoisite and Malachite complement each others'
hatred for the good guys.


Alan is one of the two aliens that come to Earth.
They came to feed off of the life energy that the
Earth and all its inhabitants possess.
Alan is also a caretaker of the Doom Tree.
His assumed family name while masquerading as a
student in school is Granger.
His relationship with Ann is that of companionship
(as aliens) and as siblings (in their assumed identities).


Ann is the other alien that accompanied
Alan and the Doom Tree to Earth.
Her assumed family name is Granger,
since she's assuming a brother-sister relationship with Alan.


Wiseman is the ruler of the Dark Moon.
In order to take over Earth (in the future)
he sends Rubeus back in the past (to our present day)
to destroy the city of the future known as Crystal Tokyo.


Rubeus is a servant of Wiseman,
from the Dark Moon of the Negaverse.
His mission is to find whatever means
there are of destroying the future city of Crystal Tokyo,
and to execute those plans. He usually hands down those
individual assignments to the four sisters that he brought
into the past with him.


Catsy is the most aggressive of the four sisters.
She requests very little help from droids,
and she doesn't mind fighting toe to toe with the Sailor Scouts.
Her distinguishing features are the cat ears in her hairstyle,
and the sorry looking tutu. She is also very obsessed about her looks,
especially her face.


Birdy is the least combatative of the four sisters.
She relies on intricate plans to obtain her objectives.
She also has the least quarrels between her and the other sisters.
In public life, she generally dresses conservatively,
but in all other times, the opposite is true.


Avery is the least concerned of the four sisters about their mission.
She often quarrels with her older sister Prisma.
She is extremely conceited about her physical appearance.
Her weapon of choice is the whip.


Prisma is obsessed with trying to outwit her younger sister Avery.
She is also somewhat reluctant to go on missions.

Prince Demando (Prince Diamond)

Prince Demando is the ruler of the Black Moon Family.
In the future he tryed to get Neo-Queen Serenity to be his Queen.
He later attempted to capture Chibi-Usa.
When Sailor Moon arrived in the furture he tryed to get her to become his Queen,
she refused. He later realized that Wiseman had lyed to him.
Wiseman tryed to kill Sailor Moon but Demando took
the hit himself and died shortly after in Sailor Moon's arms.

Safiiru (Safire)

Safiiru is Demando's younger brother.
During Demando and Safiiru's childhood Demando told
Safiiru about how they would take over Earth and
punish the people of Earth for banishing their ancestors.
Safiiru was caught up in a power struggle between Demando and Wiseman.
Safiiru tryed to stop Wiseman by himself and stole the
key card that ran the Black Moon Crystal. He was regarded as a
trader and killed by Wiseman.
As he died, he told Demando how Wiseman was deceiving him.

Esmeraude (Emerald)

Esmeraude was Rubeus's successor.
Her plan was to destroy Tokyo with statues of
herself that gave off atomic blasts.
She later returned to the Black Moon and told Wiseman to make her the Queen.
Wiseman made her a tiara and placed it on her head.
It was not to be and she became a Dragon.
She left Black Moon palace and went to Crystal palace to destroy the Senshi.
She failed when Tuxedo Mask's rose struck her tiara.
She then fell into a black void and died.

Black Lady (Wicked Lady)

Black Lady was created by Wiseman to be Queen of the Black Moon.
She was kidnaped by Wiseman when Chibi-Usa walked outside of
the force field of the Crystal palace.
She was turned into Black Lady after bad memories
where implanted into her brain.
Black Lady tryed to destory the Senshi
but was destroyed when Sailor Moon transformed into
Neo-Queen Serenity and told her she was not alone.
Black Lady was destoryed and Chibi-Usa was back not normal.

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