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Secondary Charecters Facts

Molly Baker (Osaka Naru)

Molly is Serena's best friend.
She and Serena do everything together.
They are almost like sisters.
Molly has a big problem will the monsters from the Negaverse...
they always seem to be attacking her.
Molly Fell in love with Nephlite's alter ego (Maxfield Stanton)
She eventually turned Nephlite to the side of good.
He only died for her happyness.

Andrew (Furuhata Motoki)

Andrew works in the video archade that Serena often travels to.
He has a younger sister. Serena had a major crush on him and so did Lita.
They both fell off the deepend when they found out he had a girlfriend already.

Melvin (Umino Gurio)

Melvin is a computer nerd.
For a long time he had a big crush on Serena but she always let him down.
He is the one person who knows everything about everyone.
After a while he does not like Serena quite as much and turns towards Molly.

Serena's Mother & Father (Ikuko and Kenji)

Serena's Mother is a homemaker.
She is very protective of her child.
She is always trying to get her to work harder.

Serena's Father is a photographer.
He does not seem to understand his daughter that well.

Sam (Shingo)

Sammy is Serena's younger brother.
Serena does not seem to like him most of the time.
He is a little annoying and kinda puts her down all the time.
Sammy likes a girl named Mika.


Mika is in Sammy's class.
She makes dolls.
Nephlite was interested in getting her energy.
Sammy broke her prize winning doll by mistake.
Sammy tryed to save Mika when she was being transformed
into a Negaverse monster.


Raye's Grandfather is a Prist and a Japanese Temple. He takes care of Raye. Raye seems to enjoy living with him, but is almost more bossy towards him then he is towards her.

Chad (Yuuichiro)

Chad went to work at Raye's Grandfathers temple.
He is a failing musician, and his parents appear to be very well off.

Ms. Patricia Haruna (Sakurada Haruna)

Ms. Haruna is Serena's teacher.
She is a good teacher and seems to be concered about Serena's grades.
She is attacked by the Nagaverse a few times.

Lizzie (Furuhata Unazuki)

Lizzie works in a restaurant that the Scouts go to sometimes.
Not much is known about her.

Queen Serenity

Queen Serenity was Princess Serenity, The Moon Princess's, Mother.
She was a kind ruler and keeped the Planets at peace for 1000 years.
She had to give up her own life to save that of her Daughters when the Kingdom was attack

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