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Objective:  To recognize and identify direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC).
Activity: Introduce vocabulary terms Direct Current and Alternating Current. Discuss the differences between direct current and alternating current. as students to give examples of direct and alternating current. 
Objective: To distinguish the difference between a kilowatt and a kilowatt-hour 
Read and analyze an electric meter. 
Activity 1:  Define Kilowatt and Kilowatt-hour
Activity 2: To change watts to kilowatts. example 100 watt light bulb is how many kilowatts? 
100 watts/1,000 watts per kilowatt = 0.10 kw
Then ask the students to determine how many kilowatts energy is used if the light bulb is on for 6 hours. 
0.10 kw X 6 hours = 0.60 kwh
Then ask the student to figure out the cost at $0 .08 per kilowatt hour. 
0.60kwh X $0.08 = $0.048 almost a whole nickel
Activity 3: Homework have your parents help you locate the electric meter at your home. Take a meter reading and estimate the amount of electricity you use after school ( from 3:30pm to 7:30 am) verses during the day. 
Activity 4: Compare with other students using graph or spreadsheet. 
Objective: To identify alternative energy sources
Activity: Identify and expose students to various sources of energy Power Point Presentation. Identify some of the following: 
 Wind, Water, Nuclear, Coal, Gasoline and  Sun (Save for last example to lead into next days lesson) 
Objective: To define, demonstrate and examine solar energy
Activity 1: Tea From Sunlight
Materials: 2 identical plastic jars 
cold tap water 
herbal tea bags 
Procedure: 1. Fill both jars with cold tap water 
2. Record the temperature of the water 
3. Put three tea bags in each jar. 
4. Sit one jar in the direct sun light and sit the other jar in a shaded area. 
5. Every 10 minutes note the color and change in the temperature of the water. 
6. After an hour taste the contents of each jar. 
Conclusion: Which made better tea? 
Which method used solar energy?
Activity 2: Start Collaborative Project.