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Chapter 4

A hour later, Stephanie came downstairs. Brian and Kevin were in the living room with the rest of the gang watching TV. When she walked in the room, they all turned and looked at her.

"How are you feeling?" Brian asked. "Better." Stephanie said. "There are boxes in the kitchen for you." Kevin said.

Stephanie walked down the hall to the kitchen. When she got into the kitchen, she looked at the card on the first box. It said:

'Stephanie, I'm sorry! AJ'

She put the card down and opened the box. Inside there were a dozen long-stemmed roses. Stephanie put the top back on the box. She looked at the other card. It said the same thing only it was from Nick. She opened the box and it was a dozen more roses.

"OHMIGOD!" she screamed.

Everybody came running down the hall to see why she screamed. When they got to the kitchen, they saw her sitting on the floor.

"OHMIGOD!" everybody shouted. "Does everybody have to copy off of me?" Stephanie asked.

Brian ran over to Stephanie so he could help her up. After she stood up, the phone rang. Brian picked it up.

"Is Stephanie there?" the person asked. "Yeah, hold on." Brian said.

Brian handed Stephanie the phone.

"Hello?" she said. "Hi." the other person said. "Who's this?" "It's AJ." "How did you get my number?" "Your listed, stupid." "Oh. What do you want?" "Did you get my flowers?" "Yeah, I got them." "I'm really sorry. I really like you." "Your point is???" "Ummmmm!?" "Your wasting my time so I have to go. Bye!" "WAIT!"

But he was to late she already hung up. Once she hung up, the phone rang again.

"Hello?" "Is Stephanie there?" "Yeah?!" "Hi. It's Nick." "Do you want a award or something?" "I know your probably upset at me and you obvisously don't want to talk to me. So, Bye." "Wait! I'll talk to you but how did you get my number?" "AJ." "Do you know how he got my number?" "He said you were listed, stupid." "Are you quoting?" "Yes." "Ok, so what do you want?" "I wanted to apologize." "Ok." "And." "And what?" "I was wondering if you would like to go to dinner with me?! I know it's short notice. I already have reservations so if you say no I'll take Howie." "Does Howie know this?" Howie looked up and said, "Does Howie know what?" "That Nick is canceling your date to go out with me." Half joking, Howie grabbed the phone and said, "How could you man, I thought it was true love." Then Howie turned to Stephanie and said, "He's mine. You can't have him. I'll let you go to dinner just this once."

By now, everybody was laughing so hard, they were practicly on the floor.

Howie gave Stephanie the phone and she said, "Nick, you and Howie? We never knew."

This only made everybody laugh harder. They talked a couple more minutes longer and talked about all the details.

Stephanie walked into the living room and everybody started going "Awwww." "Shutup." she said.

Since Brian was the loudest one she went over and smacked him. But she missed and ended up smacking Howie across the face.

"What was that for?" he asked.

Stephanie was laughing so hard that she tripped over Kevin and landed on Brian.
