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Chapter 20 By: Sarah

Stephanie smiled, "ya I'm sure ready to play." AJ smiled, "alright, ok who wants to go first?" The whole room was quiet, "Ok so no one wants to go first?" AJ shook his head, "Ok I'll go first, Um who should I pick?" He said looking around the room at the nervous faces that surrounded him, "Um Brian, truth or dare?" Brian looked up at AJ, "Um truth" AJ sighed and had a thoughtful look on his face, "Ok Brian, have you ever cheated on a girlfriend?" Brian's face turned red, "yea" he said above a whisper, AJ's eyes bugged out, "really? no way b-rok, who did u cheat on?" Brian laughed, "good thing your only aloud to ask one question."

Brian looked around the room, "Steph, truth or dare?" "well Brian I'm gonna have to go for it, dare." AJ smiled, "Ok I dare you to go skinny dipping in Nick's pool." Nick's eyes bulged out of his head. "Ok if I do this you guys have to turn around while I take off my cloths and go in got it?" Stephanie got off the couch, shut the blinds and made sure you could not see out, and walked out to the pool. Everyone waited until they heard her say it was ok to come out, AJ got a wicked smile on his face, "Ok lets go out there and steal her cloths." Everyone laughed, "ok then who is going to get the cloths?"Brian asked, everyone looked at Sarah, "Oh no way, I'm not doing it, this was all AJ's idea." AJ spoke up, "Come on Sarah, Nicky here would really like it if you did." Nick looked at AJ with a questioning face and Sarah turned red "Ok fine I'll do it, but AJ you owe me!" and she gave AJ a how-did-you-know-look. Sarah stepped out on the patio as Steph yelled out that it was ok now, "Hey Sarah what cha doing?" Sarah just grinned at her and looked back at the door, where 3 pairs of hands were ushering her to go on and take the cloths. "Um I'm not doing anything." Sarah bent down and picked up Steph's cloths and ran into the house.

Stephanie began screaming after her and just stood in the pool, "Ok guys that was funny, now give me back my cloths." AJ, Nick, Brian, and Sarah were standing on the patio rolling on the ground from laughing so hard. Finallythe guys went inside, Sarah got Stephanie a towel and she dried off, got dressed and went back inside.

"You guys thought that was real funny didn't you?" Everyone except Stephanie was laughing, she turned to Sarah, "and you, you should have been on my side. Whatever happened to girl power?" "Ok ok enough of that now, let continue with the game, Stephanie it's your turn." Stephanie smiled, and got a sly smile on her face, and thought on who to call on next.