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Chapter 22 By: Sarah

AJ, Brian and Nick got up and started to look around for the girls.


"I hate scary movie's don't you?" Sarah nodded, "Yea, so what are you going to get AJ?" Stephanie shrugged her sholder, "I do not know that's why I brought ya up here so we could talk. What do you think I should get AJ?" "I don' know he has all the sunglasses he could ever possible need and not to mention hats." Stephanie started to laugh, "Yea have you ever seen him in a cowboy hat? Oh my gosh he looks so funny!"

Just then they heard a door open, "Hey I happen to like my cowboy hats!" "Oh AJ we thought you guys were still watching the movie, not easdropping on us."Brian, Nick and AJ sat down on the bed with Steph and Sarah. "So what do you guys wanna do next?" Sarah asked, "Um how about we go swimming?" Sarah looked at Stephanie like she was crazy, "But you were already in the pool once tonight." "Oh yea" Nick yawned, "Guys its like three in the morning I'm tired. what do you guys say we go to sleep and then go to Disney World tomorrow. Does that sound good?" Everyone nodded and agreed to go to bed so they would be energised for Disney World tomorrow.