Stephanie went back into the living room and sat down on the couch next to Sarah, "God that was so not funny!" "I know, I was so scared." Yea me to. Ya know what we need to do?" Sarah looked at Stephanie questionably, "what?" "Well, let me tell you one thing, revenge is sweet!" They both started to laugh.
"So Steph what do you think we should do to them?" "I don't know but it needs to be something really, really bad so it surprises them as bad as they surprised us!" Sarah nodded her head. "Um lets see we could uh, I don't know what to do. I mean these are guys we are talking about and they don't scare as easily as us." "Yea I know what you mean."
Stephanie got a big smile on her face, "Ok I know what we are going to do." She leaned over and quietly told Sarah what they were going to do and they started laughing hysterically. Stephanie and Sarah got all the ingredients together, Sarah was in the kitchen filling up two water guns with anything and everything in the refrigerator, pickle juice, milk, water, Pepsi, cocktail sauce, pudding, BBQ sauce and Sprite. She shook up all the contents in the water guns and went into the bathroom where Stephanie was. "Hey the water guns are ready." "Ok go put them in the living room on the sofa." Sarah put them on the sofa and came back and stood in the door way, "Do you have everything?" Stephanie shook her head no, "read off the list"
"Water guns, feathers, two cans of shaving cream, four rolls of toilet paper, a flash light and a Polaroid camera?" "Yep ok we have everything, here put all the stuff in this book bag except for the water guns." Sarah nodded and started to fill up the book bag with all the stuff.
Sarah and Stephanie were finally ready for revenge, suited up in black shirts and shorts and their hair pulled back, they were finally ready to go.
They crept quietly over to Nick's and looked inside the window, the TV was off, Stephanie looked at her watch, it read 3:45am. They quietly opened the door and Stephanie got out her flash light and turned it on, Brian, AJ and Nick were all on the floor laying on sleeping bags sound asleep. Stephanie flashed her flashlight at Sarah and Sarah got out the shaving cream cans, and zipped up the book bag. They put Shaving cream all around there heads, "Sarah" Steph said quietly, "spray quieter!" Sarah giggled, "sorry!" After they had shaving cream around all the guys heads they decided to go after Nick first because he was the one in the ghosts mask. They put shaving cream in Nick's hand, "Sarah you do the honors" Sarah lightly tickled Nick's nose.
He didn't move at all, "Yo Steph maybe he is dead!" Steph giggled, "Try again." Sarah tickled his nose again and he moved his hand to go scratch his nose and smeared shaving cream all over it. Both girls tried to muffle their laughter, but hardly could. After Nick was completely covered in shaving cream Sarah handed the feather to Stephanie, and moved over to AJ "This is going to be sweet!" While Stephanie was smearing shaving cream on AJ and Brian, Sarah went up stairs and started toilet papering Nick's room, she unmade the bed and messed up his surprisingly clean room.
About five minutes later Stephanie came into Nick's room and got toilet paper from Sarah and went out into the front yard and started to toilet paper the trees. After Sarah was done, Nick's room was a complete disaster. She walked down the stairs and saw the front yard, it was completely covered with toilet paper. Stephanie came in from the back door and whispered to Sarah, "I thought I'd give the back yard a little visit, Sarah looked out the back window, the yard was messed up to. "Are you ready for the best part?"Stephanie asked Sarah.
They walked back into the living room and saw that none of the guys had woken up yet, they made sure they had everything and that Sarah had the book bag. They took the shaving cream and wrote 'payback's a bitch' on the wall facing the guys so they would see that when they got woken up. Sarah took out thecamera and took a million pictures from each and every angle. Then they took the water guns, "one, two, THREE!!" Stephanie sprayed AJ right in the face, "AAAgggggghhhhhh" By the time the guys realized what had happened the girls were already outside and at Stephanie's house.