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Chapter 5

As time went by, Stephanie and Brian grew closer as they were before and Katelyn didn't like it.

~~~~~~~A month later~~~~~~~

Stephanie, Katie, Katrina, Katelyn, and Amanda were at the dress shop.

"What colors do you guys want to wear? Give me ideas so when I talk to my mom I can tell her." Stephanie said. "Lavender." said Amanda and Katelyn together. "Black velvet." Katrina said. "Pink." Katie said. "Long or short?" Stephanie asked. "Short." Amanda and Katelyn said. "Long." Katie and Katrina said. "Ok. I got some ideas." "When are you going to visit your parents?" Katrina asked. "Well, me and AJ are going to visit his mom on Sunday and then we are going to fly to California on Monday to visit my parents." "I thought they lived in Washington?!" Katie said. "They do but they have a summer house in California and they went down there early." "Oh." "We better get going if we are going to make it to dinner." Stephanie said.

Everybody said ok and then they left.

~~~~~~~At dinner~~~~~~~

Stephanie sat inbetween AJ and Brian and Katelyn was sitting on the other side of AJ. Brian and Stephanie were writing something down on a napkin and only showing it to each other. Then they would laugh about it. Katelyn was getting really jealous. She leaned over next to AJ and asked, "Aren't you jealous?"

"No. They are just really good friends and they are just having some fun. Why? Are you?" AJ said. "Yeah. Hello. They have been getting really friendly all of a sudden."

AJ laughed. Then everybody ordered their food, ate, and then left.