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****UPDATES & NEWS****
Updates & News for: 08/30/05 is taking pre-orders for Crank Yankers Season 2 Volume 2. Please click on the image to check it out. Featuring phone calls with Bobby Fletcher, OCD Ken, Elmer Higgins and your old friend Special Ed, plus salacious celebrity cranks from the likes of Jimmy Kimmel, Gilbert Gottfried, Robert Smigel, Kathy Griffin, Jeff Goldblum, and Dane Cook saying all the rude, offensive little things only an anonymous voice on the end of a phone can get away with! Bonus Materials: - 4 exclusive audio calls from Fred Armisen, Eminem Jim Florentine, and Jimmy Kimmel - 1 unaired call Deaf Frat Guy

To check out the trailer for a glimpse at Smallville Season 5 click here or right click and save. It can take about 15 minutes to download.

Updates & News for: 08/28/05

Updates to the Smallville and South Park information page will not be updated for a while due to the fact it will take me a long time to type everything in. If you are intrested in the episode descriptions please come back the end of october to mid november for it to be completed. Sorry for the delays.

For all Smallville fans that have not seen yet has posted an image of a partial look at a new set for season 5. So please click on the link to check it out.

This weeks Link of the Week is Please check it out if you enjoy playing online games. please look above for the link or you can just CLICK HERE.

This week I got the Ring Two Unrated dvd. The movie was good but I thought the first movie was better. The bonus features are great. If you enjoyed the first movie you should atleast check this one out. If you want to get more info on this dvd or order a copy for yourself please click on the image to the right to be taken to the site.

Updates & News for: 08/18/05

Please come back at the end of the month for more updates. Sorry for the recent lack of news.

Updates & News for: 08/10/05

Please click the link above to visit the offical Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire website. This movie, unlike the others is rated PG-13. In my opinion this is the best of the series based on the books. It has tons of action and lots of suspense.

Updates & News for: 08/08/05

This weeks Link of the Week is This site has great info on upcoming DVDs such as release dates, menu screens, and cover art. So please check out this site.

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