Below is my discography of CD’s I currently have available. Volume 10 is available now. All my CD’s are free for anyone who would like them. Just email me at with your name, address and which CD’s you would like and I'll send them right out to you. Note: CD’s do cost money to reproduce and distribute. If you would like to give a donation to my ministry that would be very much appreciated. You can send a check (made out to Tim Ewing) or cash (carefully hidden) to:
Tim Ewing
505 Elm Ave
Clayton, NJ 08312

Here is one of the newest tee shirt design available for purchase. It's based on Psalms 119:11 It says, "I have hidden Your word in my heart that I might not sin against You" The actual color of the tee shirt is light gray and the words are in navy blue. The cost of the shirt is $15.00. Please specify what size you would like. I have small, medium, large and extra large available.

Here is another shirt design available for purchase. It's based on 1 Timothy 4:12. It says, "Do not let people look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in Speech, in Life, in Love, in Faith and in Purity." This teeshirt is available in small, medium, large and extra large and costs $15.00

My third teeshirt available is called Trust in the Lord based on the passage of scripture found in Proverbs 3:5-6

This teeshirt is available in small, medium, large and extra large and costs $15.00
Teeshirt four is called Not Ashamed and is based on the passage of scripture found in Romans 1:16

This teeshirt is available in small, medium, large and extra large and costs $15.00
Teeshirt five is called The Greatest Commandments based on the passage of scripture found in Mark 12:30-31

This teeshirt is available in small, medium, large and extra large and costs $15.00
Teeshirt 6: No Excuse based on the passage of scripture found in Romans 1:20

This teeshirt is available in small, medium, large and extra large and costs $15.00
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