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Another Second Chance 10

Minnie steps aside to let Tea in. She motions to the couch, inviting Tea to sit down.
"I really don't how I can help you, Mrs. Manning. I told the police everything I know," Minnie says cordially.
"Please, call me Tea. I have your police statement...I'd just like to double check a few things. It turns out there were in Todd's statement. I just want to make sure yours is accurate."
Minnie shrugs her shoulders. "Okay."
Tea turns and takes Minnie's statement from her bag. She hands it to Minnie.
"Just read this over and tell me if it's accurate."
Tea watches her very closely. Her heart is in her throat...her hunch about this has to be right...their whole future is riding on it. She notices Minnie's face looks more and more confused as she reads.
Minnie looks up at Tea. "I don't understand. This isn't what happened at all, I never said this."
Tea tries to hide her relief. "Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm positive."
Tea smiles. "Why don't you tell me what really happened."


Todd is lying on the couch in the cabin reading over a copy of the Sun Viki had brought him. He has to admit Tea and Blair have done a pretty good job. He is startled by a breathless Tea bursting through the door. He looks up, and from the smile on her face, he can see things went well with Minnie.
"What happened?"
"We were right, the statement we have is NOT Minnie's original statement...not only that...she would be willing to testify if need be."
Todd allows himself a smile, "You're amazing Delgado."
"I know," she says, grinning at him. She is standing next to him. Todd grabs her hand and pulls her down on top of him. She giggles as she loses her balance and lands on him. Todd slips his hand into her hair and pulls her into an intense kiss.
They part reluctantly. "So what did you find out?"
Tea stares at him blankly for a second...the kiss still lingering. "Oh...well...we were also right about the Buchanans. Seems Kevin told Minnie that he would pick up Starr and River at the park at 4:00, and also strongly suggested that she get there earlier...supposedly so the kids would have time to play."
Todd smirks. "I knew it."
"We have a witness that involves the least Kevin but I would bet he's not in it alone," Tea says.
"Yeah, but now we have to find out what happened to the real statements."
Tea rubs her hand softly over his chest. "I could go back to Llanview tomorrow and talk to Sykes, he may be able to help us."
Todd rolls his eyes, and instinctively tightens his arms around her.
"Well, I just don't like the guy. He likes you, though, so I'm sure he would do anything to help you," Todd replies, somewhat sarcastically.
"What does that mean?"
"Oh, c'mon Delgado...the guy drools all over you every chance he gets."
Tea grins, "Jealous, Manning?"
Todd grins back. "Me, jealous?"
"Yeah, you."
"I just don't like the way he looks at's like he's got some crush on you."
Tea leans down and gently traces kisses along his jawline. "Too bad... cause the only guy I've got a crush on is right here."
Todd smiles, loving the feeling of her lips on his face. "Yeah?....Prove it."
Tea lifts her head and seductively smiles at Todd. She covers his lips with hers, and engages him in an incredibly passionate kiss. Todd runs his hands up and down her back, lifting up her shirt to feel the soft skin beneath. He uses his strength to shift his weight and turn he is on top of her. He gently breaks the kiss, bringing his hands to unbutton her blouse. He looks into her eyes, quickly undoing each button.
"I love you Delgado."
"I love you Manning."


Todd lays in bed, holding Tea close. She is sound well she should be...they had quite a night. Todd smiles at the memory. He wonders how he survived without her the last couple of months. He slept for a couple of hours...but that was about his limit. It was okay with him to just lie and hold her sleep...listen to her breathe...
He hated that she was going to see Sykes. It wasn't that he didn't trust her...cause he does...he just doesn't trust Sykes. There's something more though...something nagging at him that he can't put his finger on....for no reason...his mind flashes back to his conversation with Viki....

...there had been talk that he had been covering for Barbara about Drew's death...

...all of the talk, the suspicions just seemed to seemed to die down around the time you were arrested...

Todd grins ...a theory beginning to form in his mind....
He pulls Tea closer...gently kissing her forehead..."Just hang in there Delgado....I have a feeling we may win this one after all."

To be continued....

Fan Fiction by Kelly