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Another Second Chance 12

Viki's Cabin...later that afternoon

Todd hands Téa a beer. She hops up on the counter, a satisfied grin on her face.
"So, he bought it?"
" was actually pretty easy," she replies, sounding somewhat surprised.
"No kidding....the guy has a serious thing for you Delgado...not that I blame him...I just don't like it," he says with wicked grin.
She rolls her eyes and takes a drink of her beer. "So, what now?"
"We talk to him, get the truth and use it against least so I'm free. Then, we go rub Big Daddy Asa's nose in it," he grins, "and then, we go home."
"I only hope it's that easy."
"What Delgado, don't you trust me?" he says, feigning hurt.
She smiles, and reaches out to brush his hair back away from his face. "Yes, of course I do. It's just that...I don't want to get my hopes up."
He catches her hand and presses it to his cheek. "Get them up...cause it's gonna happen, I promise. This time tomorrow...we'll be home...which by the way I've been meaning to ask you about. Do we still own the Penthouse?"
"Then why the hell are you living at the Palace?"
Téa sighs, and pulls him closer so he is standing right in front of her. She sets her beer down and puts her arms around his neck.
"Well, remember after we got married? We were staying at the Palace while the Penthouse was getting redecorated?" she pauses, and he nods, putting his arms around her waist. "Well....about a week after disappeared....they called me and told me it was done. But I just couldn't bring myself to live there without you. I mean...someone goes in there once a week to take care of it and it's still ours...but with you not there ...I don't know it would've just hurt to much."
Todd leans in and gently brushes her lips with his. "It won't hurt now...tomorrow..after everything is settled...we'll go the Penthouse...together...the way it always should have been," he says softly, pressing his forehead to hers.
Téa smiles, "Sounds good to me," she whispers, and leans in for another kiss. Todd tightens his hold on her waist, and moves her forward on the counter so she is pressed against him. Téa runs her hands through his hair, wrapping her legs around him. He leaves her lips and trails soft kisses down her neck.
"Todd?" she whispers raggedly.
"What?" he replies, his voice muffled by her skin.
"We can't do this now...we have to get ready for tonight."
He lifts his head and looks into her eyes. "Come on...we have time!"
She giggles. "Save it for later, Manning. When we have this whole mess behind us...we'll celebrate," she says seductively.


A while later, Todd is sitting on the couch, fiddling with the small tape recorder.
"You get that thing to work?"
"Yeah, I think so. Maybe you better test it Todd are the only man on this entire planet for me," he says, with that sexy grin.
She smiles, and takes the tape recorder from him. "Okay...Todd are...wait what did you want me to say?" she says, smiling innocently.
He picks up a pillow off the couch and throws it at her. "Very funny Delgado...I'll get you for that...later," he says wickedly.
"Promise?" Téa says, moving closer to him.
Todd takes a deep breath. It was taking all his self control to resist her....but later...later he wouldn't have to.
Their playful banter is interrupted by the slamming of a car door. Téa looks at the clock.
"6:45. He's early."
Todd smirks. "Yeah..well he probably couldn't wait to drool all over you."
She playfully punches him. " better hide."
He leans in for a quick kiss. "This is it Delgado...we get our new beginning...starting tonight. I love you," he says softly.
"I love you, too," she says, smiling as he walks into the kitchen. She stands up and straightens her clothes and hair. The doorbell rings.
Here we go, she thinks.
She opens the door, and puts on her most winning smile.
"Hello John," she says sweetly.
"Good evening counselor," he says, walking in and handing her a bottle of wine.
"Thanks," she says, "Please, make yourself comfortable."
John walks over to the couch and sits down. Man, she looks beautiful. He still couldn't believe he was here with her. Téa walks over and sits down next to him.
"It's nice here," he says.
"Yeah, it's nice to get away from everything. So, how have things been going for you?"
"Okay...nothing special. You? I mean, I know how hard it's been for you....Manning ditching you and everything."
Tea swallows hard, trying to keep her composure. "Actually, things have been looking up. I hope you don't mind, but someone else is going to be joining us for dinner." She notices the disappointed look that comes across John's face.
"No, " he says, none too convincingly, "Anyone I know?"
Téa smiles innocently. "As a matter of fact, you do know him." She looks toward the doorway. John follows her gaze, and who he sees causes a stab of panic to rip through him.
"Hey, Sykes...remember me?" Todd says, grinning sarcastically.

To be continued....

Fan Fiction by Kelly