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Another Second Chance 14

Todd and Tea grin at each other over Sykes' head. Bullseye."Poor baby," Todd sneers, "taken for a ride by Asa Buchanan."
Sykes walks over to the other side of the room."It seemed like a good idea at the time," Sykes begins, defeated. "Asa sets you up, I switch the're out of town. Kevin was in on it, too. I don't get implicated in Drew's murder, and all I have to do as commisioner is keep Asa happy."
"And it didn't bother you that you were taking my husband away from me for something he didn't do, or that you were ripping a father away from his daughter?" Téa says angrily.
Sykes whirls around to face her. "The little girl's got her mother, and you deserve better than this loser Téa. At least I thought you did. But you you're two of a kind."
Téa grins. "Thank you."
"Okay, okay," Todd interrupts. "Let's get down to business."
Sykes rolls his eyes. "Asa's gonna ruin me," he says quietly.
"Not necessarily Sykes, we've got a deal for you," Téa responds.
Sykes slowly sinks down on the couch. "Okay."
Todd grins, and flops down next to him on the couch. Téa walks over and sits on the arm of the couch next to Todd."You leave town. You re-sign your position as Commisioner, citing personal or family problems. And you never show your face here in Llanview again. Your record doesn't get can be a cop someplace else."
"And what about Asa, I mean what's to stop him from ruining me?"
"Let us handle Big just get your sorry ass out of town," Todd says.
Sykes bows his head. He didn't seem to have much choice.


Todd and Téa followed John Sykes home. They made sure they watched him fax his resignation in, and pack up his stuff. He had actually looked relieved. Now, they are sitting in Téa's car outside of the Buchanan mansion. Todd slips the tape recorder into his pocket, and turns to grin at Téa."Let the fun begin," he says.
Téa smiles back. They get out of the car and head for the door.


Asa is sitting in his study, sipping a brandy. He hears a slight commotion in the hall, and looks up. He almost goes into shock when he sees Todd and Tea Manning walk into his study
."Hey Gramps," Todd says grinning, "Long time, no see. Did ya miss me?"
Asa stands up slowly, staring at Todd. He grins. "Renee!" he yells, "Call the police. We have a fugitive on the premises."
"Not so fast Gramps, we've got some things to discuss."
"I don't have anything to discuss with you Manning."
Todd pulls out the tape recorder. "We'll see about that. Actually, I suggest you call little Kevvie...this concerns him too."
Seeing the tape recorder, Asa had to admit he was intrigued. And a little nervous. But he had a great poker face, and never let on. He picks up the phone."Kevin....yes I know it's late....I need to see you's important."


After fifteen minutes of exchanging insults and glaring at each other, Asa and Todd look up to see Kevin walk in the door. Todd thoroughly enjoys the shocked look on Kevin's face when he sees him.
"What the hell are you doing back?"
" that any way to talk to your Uncle?" Todd sneers.
Kevin turns to Téa. "He was the cabin...wasn't he?"
Téa just shrugs, a feigned look of innocence on her face.
"Okay, Manning. We're what the hell is going on?"
Todd grins. "We found you out."
Asa and Kevin exchange a look.
"You set me up....and now....I'm gonna call you on it."
Kevin chuckles. "You don't know anything."
"Oh really?" Téa chimes in. She walks over to Todd, who hands her the tape recorder. She hits play. They grin at each other as the color drains from Kevin's and Asa's face as they hear John Sykes' voice gives them up.The tape recorder clicks off, and Kevin nervously clears his throat.
" got the word of a crooked cop...against that of upstanding citizens of the community. You got nothing...and you do anything with that tape...we'll sue you so fast your head will spin."
"Oh please, you honestly think we'd come here with only this little tape?" Téa asks, "You so much as try and take this to court...and we'll win. We've got a nanny willing to testify that you are the one who told her to go to the park that day. We've got Sam saying he never called Briggs...but someone did...a man...who knew Todd would meet me at the park if I asked. We've got the police officer who took the original statements. And they're all willing to testify against you...under oath."
Todd grins, looking at Téa. "That's my girl."
Asa glances at Kevin, and stands up. "I'm gonna kill Sykes."
"Sykes is gone, Gramps....left town...can't touch him."
Asa shakes his head. "You've covered all your bases haven't you Manning?"
"Never leave anything to chance."
"Alright...what do you want to keep this quiet?" Asa barks.Todd grins.
"Oh...I think my being back in town will be punishment enough for you...I just wanted to see you and Kevvie squirm. But I'd watch your back Gramps....cause you never know...."
With that, he takes Téa's hand, and they leave.
Asa watches him go. He slams his glass down the table."I'm gonna get that psycho if it's the last thing I do."


Todd and Téa walk up to the front door of the penthouse."You were great Todd."
"You were not so bad yourself Delgado."
She smiles, and throws her arms around his neck."Can you believe it? It worked!"
"Never had any doubts," Todd grins wryly.
"So...what now?"
"First thing tomorrow..I go shock the hell out of Blair and make arrangements to see my kid."
Téa grins seductively. "And...until then?"
Todd leans down and brushes her lips with his. "Until then....we make up for lost time," he grins.


Fan Fiction by Kelly