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Another Second Chance 2

"Happy Valentine's Day, Delgado."
The voice rang in her ears. It was a voice that she had missed more than anything in the world. She slowly turned to face the bearer of the peach rose. He looked the same, even more handsome, if that was possible. She felt the tears well up in her eyes as she continued to stare, wordlessly, at the love of her life, Todd Manning.
Todd returned Tea's stare. He couldn't believe that he was actually standing here in front of her, looking into her beautiful brown eyes. The months of misery and longing for her seemed to vanish in an instant.
Todd broke the silence. "It's not like you to be speechless, Delgado."
Tea COULDN"T speak. She was shocked and overwhelmed. She continued to stare at him, oblivious to the tears running down her cheeks and the cold wind whipping around them. Realizing that he was going to have to take over here, Todd gave Tea a little smile, the smile she had missed so much.
"I'll trade you," he said, as he took her car keys from her hand and gave her the rose. "We have to get out of here. Do we still live at the Palace?"
Tea nodded and got in the passenger side of the car. Am I dreaming, she thinks? She had so many things she wanted to say to him, but she couldn't seem to find her voice. Todd got in the car, and they started towards the Palace. He had a tight feeling in his chest, one he recognized as panic. He hadn't been sure how she would react to seeing him, but he knew he had to take a chance. He just couldn't bear to live without her anymore. He glanced sideways at Tea's beautiful, tear-stained face.
At least she didn't run away screaming, he thought.

Todd closed the door of the suite and turned to face her. She still hadn't said a word to him, and frankly, he was worried.
"C'mon Delgado, don't I even get a hello?" he asked with a little laugh.
All of the sudden, Tea seemed to break out of her trance. She walked slowly towards Todd,...and punched him in the stomach.
"Where the hell have you been? I have been worried sick, not to mention devastated, lonely, and miserable! I was terrified that you might be dead!" Tea yelled.
Todd was watching her rant while he rubbed his stomach. She hadn't hit him hard, but she did get her point across. He smiled as he watched her yell. She was a fighter, that was one of the many reasons why he loved her. "I'll give you this, Delgado, you have got a hell of a left!"
Tea couldn't resist smiling. She had gotten her anger out. Now she was filled with a mixture of relief, happiness, and worry. "Are you okay?" she asked as she tenderly touched his cheek.
"Yea, physically I'm fine," Todd replied, savoring every moment her fingers touched his face.
"Just physically? Wait, you don't mean...," Tea begins worriedly.
"No, the alters have not returned. I just meant that I have been pretty miserable, even more than usual," he laughs. "I was free, I guess, I mean I wasn't locked up. But the two most important things in my life were missing - you and Shorty."
Tea smiled. She had a million questions to ask him, but before she could begin, Todd grabbed her and pulled her close. He gently lowered his lips to hers, and they shared their first kiss since that fateful day when Todd had been taken to the psychiatric facility. As they parted, Tea's eyes met Todd's.
"Why now?" she asked softly.
"You didn't think I was gonna miss our first Valentine's Day together did you?" Todd replied, staring into her eyes.
Tea laughingly and lovingly teases him, "I didn't even know Todd Manning knew when Valentine's Day was!"
Todd laughed, it was so good to hear her teasing him again. He loved that about her, she gives as good as she gets. He eagerly pulls her back into a passionate kiss. Suddenly, they are startled by a loud knock on the door. They look at each other and decide to ignore it. Nothing or nobody is more important than this kiss.
There is another loud knock at the door, this time followed by a man's voice.
"Tea, I know you're in there. It's John Sykes."


Fan Fiction by Kelly