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Another Second Chance 3

The passion that mirrored in both of their eyes only seconds before turned to fear.
Todd whispered, "What is he doing here?"
"I don't know," Tea whispered back, "but you have to hide."
Todd gathered his things and raced into the bedroom. Tea waited until the door was safely closed behind Todd, and opened the front door where commissioner John Sykes stood waiting.
"Hi John," Tea smiled, praying silently that she didn't look too nervous.
"Hi Tea. I was driving by and saw your car and thought I would stop by and see you," John said as he walked past Tea and into the suite. Tea closed the door and prepared herself for the acting job of her life. John surveyed the suite, and his eyes fell back on Tea. He never could understand what this beautiful, intelligent woman ever saw in that psycho Todd Manning. What he did know was that she was the one person who could lead him to Manning.
"How have you been?" he asked smiling.
"Fine, thanks."
John's eyes began wandering again, this time falling on the peach rose that rested on a nearby table. He walked over and picked up the rose. Turning to Tea, he said, "So, who's your Valentine?"

Todd had his ear pressed up against the bedroom door, listening to every word. What made Sykes think he could just drop by? Todd had never really liked Sykes. He particularly hated the little crush Sykes seemed to have on his.....A stab of fear ripped through Todd's heart.
Was she still, he thought?
Todd impatiently waited for Sykes to finally leave, so he could ask Tea the question to which he desperately hoped the answer was "yes".

Tea felt a lump rise in her throat as John held the peach rose.
"So, who is it?" he asked smiling.
"Me." Tea said, trying desperately to appear calm and collected. "I figured that since my Valentine is missing in action at the moment, I would give myself a present. Lord knows, after everything, I deserve it!" Tea attempted to give John her most winning smile while taking the rose from him.
John eyed her cautiously. "Oh. Well, your Valentine's crazy, not that that is a big secret. I would never leave you alone on Valentine's Day," he said, his eyes betraying the feelings he had for her.
Stay calm, Todd, she thought. She was sure he had heard John, and knew how jealous Todd could be. She also felt a sense of relief. John's visit was a coincedence, he didn't know Todd was in the next room.
Tea looked at him, "Well, you know, I have to get ready. I'm meeting Carlotta later for sort of a "girls night out", so..." her voice trailed off as she turned and headed towards the door, hoping he would get the hint. John followed her and walked out the door.
"I will see you soon," he said, and turned towards the elevator. Tea watched him get on the elevator before going back into the suite. She closed the door and was about to call to Todd when she turned around and saw him standing in front of her, an aura of anxiety and fear surrounding him.
"Are we still married?" he asked.
Tea's eyes filled with tears at the worried tone in his voice. She smiled and held up her left hand, displaying the gold band and his great great grandmother's ring.
"You've only been gone a couple of months," Tea said, "when have you ever known me to give up that easily?"
Todd smiled, relief sweeping over him. He walked over and brought her left hand to his lips, gently kissing the rings he had put there. "Never," he said.
While still holding her hand, Todd walked over and locked the door. He then led her into the bedroom, shutting the door behind them. He playfully pushed his beautiful wife down on the bed. Tea smiled seductively at him.
"Now," he said,"no more interruptions, Mrs. Manning."

Oblivious to the passionate reunion going on across town, Asa Buchanan sat quietly on his sofa, sipping his brandy. Everything was going well. Bo and Nora were expecting their first child, which meant Asa was about to get another heir. He smiled. He was so lost in thought he did not hear Renee enter the room.
"What is this?" she asked, eyeing his glass of brandy.
"Now Renee, if I want to enjoy a brandy...", but Asa was cut off.
"I don't think so darling. The doctor said you have to change your habits, which means no more brandy!" Renee said authoritatively but lovingly, as she took the glass from Asa's hands.
She began to walk out of the room, but stopped and turned to look at this impossible man she adored. "I'm not losing you to a heart attack!" Rene smiled and left the room.
Damn it! Asa thought. His thoughts drifted back to that fateful night at the lodge. It had been Manning's fault, all of it. He recalled the day in court when Manning had been found not guilty. Asa's rage welled up inside him, but then another thought comforted him. That not guilty verdict was just a roadblock. Todd Manning will never hurt this family again, I made sure of that!


Fan Fiction by Kelly