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Another Second Chance 4

Tea looks at her husband sleeping soundly next to her.
He must be exhausted, all he's been through, she thinks.
Tea had been watching him for a couple of hours. As tired as she is, she is afraid to close her eyes and sleep. She is terrified this is an incredible dream, and he will be gone when she wakes up.
If I stay awake, nobody can take you from me again, she thinks.
She lifts Todd's arm, which is lying possessively across her waist, and gets up to put on her robe. She giggles as Todd mumbles something unintelligible. Tea quietly walks into the living room and picks up the peach rose. That was something about Todd Manning that never failed to surprise her: he always remembered everything she said, no matter how small the detail. Tea had only mentioned once, when she was in the hospital after Blair pushed her out the window, that peach roses were her favorite, and Todd never forgot. She takes the rose back to the bedroom and lays down next to Todd, her mind drifting back to the last time he gave her her favorite flower.....

"Todd, where are we going?" she asked.
"Patience, Delgado, we'll be there soon," he said with a sly smile.
Tea glanced at him with a curious look, and decided to sit back and wait. She looked down at the wedding band he had put on her finger only hours before. She couldn't believe they were finally together.
"Alright, Todd, I tried keeping quiet, but surprise, I can't. I thought we were going back to the Palace."
"Oh, Delgado, you deserve better than the Palace..." Todd was interrupted by Tea's worried voice.
"Todd, you know we can't leave Pennsylvania because of your probation!"
"Relax. We're not doing anything illegal. And no more questions, it's a surprise," Todd said, as he reached over and brushed her hair out of her face.
Tea sat back, anxiously awaiting their wedding night. She looked out the window and realized she vaguely recognized her surroundings. The car stopped, and Tea realized there were at Viki's cabin. She started to get out of the car, but Todd grabbed her hand.
"No, uh, I mean, you have to wait here, just a few minutes," he quickly leaned over and kissed her cheek. "I'll be right back, and peeking."
He was out of the car before she could respond. What was he up to? It seemed like an eternity before Todd finally came back out. He opened her door and took her hand.
"OK," he said, "Let's go."
They stopped at the front door to the cabin. Todd bent down and picked Tea up in his arms.
"What are you doing?" she asked, laughing.
"Well, you're a bride, isn't this what I'm supposed to do?"
She smiled. "Yeah, I guess it is!"
Nothng prepared her for what was behind the front door of the cabin. The room was lit only by dozens of candles and everywhere she looked, she saw peach roses. Todd set her down, thoroughly enjoying the stunned look on her face. She walked wordlessly from room to room, finding each softly lit with candles and filled with her favorite flower. She walked back and stood in front of Todd. "What....when...," tears escaped her eyes before she could finish.
"Well, I can't give you a real honeymoon right now because I went screwy, you know, but I wanted tonight to be special. For you. For us. We deserve it. I love you, Tea," he said, gently wiping away the tears on her cheeks. "Don't you like it, why are you crying?"
"Todd, this is the sweetest, most romantic, most beautiful thing anyone has ever done for me. I love it. I'm crying because I'm happy!" Tea smiled through her tears.
"Crying when you're happy, that is such a chick thing." Todd gave her his characteristic sarcastic smile and Tea rolled her eyes, laughing. "I'm not sure I'll ever figure you out Delgado, but I've got forever to try," Todd said softly, pulling his new wife closer to him. They kissed, tenderly at first, but the kiss soon turned passionate and intense.
"Todd?" she asked questioningly. She had sensed the tension in him and knew he was nervous.
Todd looked at her, knowing what she was thinking. He answered the question he saw in her eyes.
"Delgado, I have never wanted anything more than I want this right now," he said, and pulled her into a kiss, both of them finally giving in to the passion between them that had been too long denied....

Tea is so lost in thought she doesn't notice Todd staring at her.
"What are you smiling about?" he asks drowsily.
"Just thinking about our wedding night," she whispers.
He smiles, remembering that incredible night. He is falling back to sleep when he reaches for Tea.
"Who told you you could get dressed?" he asks, realizing she has put on her robe.
She laughs, and they both manage to remove her robe. Tea rests her head on Todd's chest, feeling safe with his arms around her. She drifts off to sleep, confident in the knowledge that he will be here when she wakes up.

Viki Carpenter is worried.
Where is Tea, she thinks.
She had been trying to get in touch with her sister in law since yesterday morning, and no one had seen or heard from Tea since around lunchtime yesterday. Not to mention, Tea's phone has been busy since yesterday afternoon.
What is going on? Viki wonders.
There is a gnawing fear in her heart. Viki knows how depressed Tea has been since Todd escaped from the psychiatric facility. She knows how much Tea misses him, how lonely she is, and with yesterday being Valentine's Day... Viki grabs her keys.
I just want to make sure you're ok, Tea. You're my family now, and I know Todd would want me to look out for you.

Todd has his head propped up on one elbow and is watching Tea sleep.
You are so beautiful, he thinks.
As he gently strokes her long, brown hair, he wonders if she can even imagine how much he has missed her.
Did you know all the hang-ups you got, did you know it was me? Sometimes I would be so miserable and lonely and I would feel myself getting out of control. Just hearing you say hello, knowing you were out there and ok, it made the craziness go away. But you've always been able to do that, make everything not so crazy for me.
Tea slowly opens her eyes, and smiles at Todd. "You're still here," she says, sounding relieved.
"What, Delgado, you trying to get rid of me?" Todd asks jokingly.
"Not on your life Manning," Tea answers, and lifts her head to kiss him.
After a moment, Tea gently pulls away. "I do have some questions Todd."
"I know, but can't they wait?" he says, pulling her closer to him, eager to pick up where they had left off a few hours earlier.
"Most of them can, but I need to know the answer to one right now."
"Ok, shoot."
Tea looks into the hazel eyes of the man she loves more than anything in the world, and her shaking, tear filled voice fills the room.
"Why didn't you take me with you?"


Fan Fiction by Kelly